Long Distance Relationship

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     It been days they been apart Shen Wei  is working La Lush Fabric Store. As a secretary of Miss Wang Zheng.

    While Yunlan have a haircut and now enrolled  in the police force. When they finished  training at the field. Yunlan would secretly look at Shen Wei's  picture and kiss it. His room mate Sang saw it. "Whose that beauty?!" All of his comrade  suddenly  want to see the picture. "Hey! Stop! Get your own lover!" He hiss.

   "It reminds me of my sweetheart Li Qian!" Said Yang. "Not again!" Said Cong Bo. Sang suddenly  snatched  the picture making everyone look at it. "Wait! His a guy!" Said Cong Bo. "Are you?" Yang was about to say something.  When Sang gave back the picture. "Sorry! We didn't  mean it to make fun of it? We didn't  think your different from us! Here we are family!" Said Sang. "Thanks! And for your information  I'm only gay to him and no one else!" Said  Yunlan.

   Suddenly  Cong Bo  look at the picture  while clinging  to Yunlan shoulder, "Oh! My god! His a real beauty all right! Better watch out! Someone might  took him away from you!" That made Yunlan worried. "Stop it Cong Bo! Don't  mind him Yunlan! I think that guy is very loyal to you!" Sang said. "Really? Pretty guys like that will only make you cry! Right Yunlan?"  The other guys  stop Cong Bo from saying  any further. "Xiao Wei! I need to call him!" But he was block by their commander. "And where do you think your going?!!! Mr. Zhao!!!" Shout Commander Wu Tian. "To call a friend?" Yunlan bat his eyes on him. "Run one hundred  laps all of you!!!" He shout angrily.

    Meanwhile Shen Wei  was busy in reading the files, as she was called by her boss to have two coffees. As he laid it on her table. Her boss let him sit at the other chair for a quick chat.  "Mr. Shen can I ask you a question?" She ask. "Yes Mam! What is it? Is it the inventory last week?" Wang shake her head, "No! It's  personal! Mr. Shen do you think I'm pretty?" That made Shen Wei  startled,  "Why yes mam! Why?" As he sweat.

    "Well I was wondering  if you like to go out with me? I mean a date. " She smile. "Sorry mam! But I already have  a boyfriend!" Suddenly  his phone kept ringing. He excuse himself  to her boss.
As he saw whose calling. "Ah Lan? What's  wrong?" As he heard him panting.  "Xiao Wei! Don't  look at any pretty girls or guys  there! Promise me! And I love you!" That made Shen Wei laugh a little.  "Silly Ah Lan! You know your the only  one!"

    Shen Wei  have forgotten  her boss is infront of him

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    Shen Wei  have forgotten  her boss is infront of him.  "So he got a boyfriend? What a pity!" She sigh. "So back to the drawing board!" As she went back to her seat and not minding  Shen Wei  whose still talking to his boyfriend.

    In the other line, Yunlan's commander caught him, ZHAO YUNLAN!" Get back here!" He shout. "Yes sir!" As he said goodbye to Shen Wei  and ran back to the field.

    At night Yunlan  would call Shen Wei  secretly and tell everything that happened  to him. Shen Wei  on the other hand can't  tell to Yunlan that many of the employees  girls and his boss are flirting with him. It might make Yunlan worried and just keep a secret.

    "Xiao Wei  I miss you! If only your here!" That made Shen Wei  cried a little,  "I miss you too Ah Lan! I want to hold you into my arms and never let you go!" Suddenly  someone shout, "Hey! Zhao! Turned  off your phone and get some sleep!" Shen Wei  suddenly  got worried. "We better finished  this off before your friends  there get mad at you!"

    But Yunlan won't  let him and whined  like a child. Suddenly  someone  throw a pillow at Yunlan making his phone dropped.  "My phone! Who done that?!" He almost got into a fight with the other guy when Sang interfere. "Hey! Stop fighting with my didi here!" Shout Sang as he block the other guy from hurting Yunlan.

    Everything was heard by Shen Wei,  "Didi! Didi! No one's  calls my Lan lan didi but me!" He told himself.  As he called Yunlan over and over. Yunlan on the other hand was hugged by Sang so he won't  fight the other guy.   He released  Yunlan and ruffled his hair. "Hey! Cool down didi! Where brother's  here remembered  that. Yunlan was about to say something  but as he remembered  Shen Wei  is in the other line he quickly taken his phone from the floor.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand got pretty  jealous  and hanged  the phone. "Zhao Yunlan! Whose that guy?! I won't  take your call! Do you hear me!" He shout at the phone. His roommate  is Yezun his didi whose looking puzzled at  his gege whose scolding the phone.  "Oh! My god! His scolding the phone?! I think his screw is loosening up! Maybe being seperated to Yunlan make him go haywire! I got to tell Dad!" As he ran toward the room of their parents.

   Back to  the room of Shen Wei  suddenly  his phone start ringing.  "I won't  get that call even it ring a million times!"  But as the phone ring and Yunlan's  name appeared.  He hurriedly  pick up the phone and cried to Yunlan on the phone. If only Yunlan can see what Shen Wei's  was doing he might laugh at him.

    "Sorry! I didn't  mean to hang the phone! One of my stupid roommates  hit me on the head! Please don't  cry!" Said Yunlan. "I thought you have replaced  me?! Whose  that guy calling you didi?!" Shen Wei  suddenly  ask. Yunlan suddenly  smirk, "Are you jealous?!" Shen Wei   laugh, "No! Why would I be jealous!" But if only Yunlan can see Shen Wei  who gritted his teeth and almost  crush his phone.

     "Then gege would you take me away? We can elope if you want?" Tease Yunlan. "You like teasing  me with that?! You might be surprise  I might do that?!" Said Shen Wei.  As they talk all night away. Until  they forgot  that Shen Wei  need to work early, while Yunlan need to wake up early for morning exercise.


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