Between Rivals

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The next day, Shen Wei visited by the handsome man in the office. His the famous model Wang Liu.

"Hello! Beauty! My name is Wang Liu! Surely you know me? I'm one of the top model here in the industry!" Shen Wei shake his head, "Sorry! But I'm only a new employee here! I 'm not yet familiar whose known here?" Liu smirk, "May I invited you to have lunch with me this afternoon?" He ask and wink. "

Shen Wei shake his head, "Sorry! But as you know I already have a fiance." He said. "So what? Were just eating lunch! Why?! Do you want something else perhaps?" While his face getting near him. Suddenly someone cough from behind.

"Liu! Shen Wei have a fiance already? And his my friend as well!" Said Da quing. "Boss Da quing! I'm just your name is Shen Wei? Just a friendly lunch? Nothing more!" He smirk.

"I'm sorry Liu but my fiance is also coming here to give me lunch." Shen Wei said. "Tsk! That's pretty too bad. Anyway maybe some other time?" As he leave. "Shen Wei becareful with that guy! His a player! They say when he set his eyes on someone. He won't stop until he gets him or her!" Said Da quing.
"Yes! Sir!" Said Shen Wei.

When Liu walking at the hall he bumped into Yunlan who glared to him. "What are you doing here?" Yunlan ask. "I work here? Or you forgotten?" But before he pass him, "I heard that your fiance name is Shen Wei better hold him tight or he might slip away from you!" He smirk. "Zhao Yunlan!" Yunlan shout.

"What?" Liu turned back. "My name is Zhao Yunlan! Remember that name! If you ever harm my fiance! You gonna get it! I'm gonna hunt you down!" That made Liu laugh, "My name Wang Liu! Remember that name! I'm gonna snatch him away from you!" As both men intensely looking at one another.

Shen Wei and the others came, "What's going on?!" Shen Wei ask. He suddenly cling his arms to Yunlan and pulled him away from Liu. Who frown looking on how Shen Wei hold Yunlan tightly in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Shen Wei ask Yunlan. "Yes! But don't get close to him, he warned me his gonna take you away from me!" Shen Wei kiss Yunlan on the cheek to make him relax. "Don't mind him, remember we will be married in a couple of days and cuddle to Yunlan embrace. Da quing forgot that Yunlan have a lunch box for him and suddenly gave it to him.

He frown but can't protest because Yunlan is looking. "Why can't I refuse him?" And ate the food with a smile. Yezun hungrily ate his own lunch. "Hey! Brother in law this dish is very delicious! Just like my gege's food." Yunlan went red and told him his teacher is his Xiao Wei, surely he can make delicious foods like him.

"My Lan lan is a real good student of mine!" While ruffling his hair. "Xiao Wei if my cooking is good maybe you can give me a prize?" Ask Yunlan. "Why not? Wait for me at home! And I will give it to you!"

So Yunlan leave happily at Shen Wei's office only to be met by Wang Liu and his model friends. "Hey! Liu! Is this the person you want to get rid off?" Said En en. "His not look tuft?!" Said Xiao Song. Yunlan back away a little but suddenly someone grabbed him from behind. A taller guy than him, name Jimmy. "Where do you think your going?" He said.

In a minute they're at an empty warehouse. They thought Yunlan can be easily be defeat because of his only one. They're wrong when En en about to punch him. He quickly got out of Jimmy hold. Instead of hitting him, he hit Jimmy who got pretty mad and punched En en. Xiao Song tried his luck in hitting Yunlan only to be flipped by him and punched him on the stomach.

Liu suddenly kick him on the head luckily Yunlan block him with his arms and swing his fist on him knocking him off.

In an hours, while Shen Wei about to leave to take a taxi, he saw Yunlan's lunch boxes on the ground. He suddenly felt dreadful as he called him at his cellphone only to see it on the ground. He came running back to the office to get some help. Da quing called the guards immediately to see if they have seen or captured in cctv on what happened to Yunlan. One of the guards went to the cctv room to see if the camera catch Yunlan. And he report to his boss what happened. "Sir I think he is brought to the empty warehouse beside our stock room!"

They hurriedly went there only to find Wang Liu and his friends lying on the floor. While Yunlan is lymping as he face Shen Wei. Shen Wei hurriedly ran to Yunlan before he fall on the floor. "Ah Lan! Let's take you to a hospital!" Yunlan chuckled, "It's not me needed to be treated but them. If you only see me in action! These thugs! They can't even punch me right!" As he laugh but when Shen Wei touch his chest. "Ouch! Careful Xiao Wei!"

The guards caught Wang Liu and his friends and brought to the police station. While Yunlan is brought to the hospital for treatment. "I can't believe brother in law can easily kick their ass!" Said Yezun as he admired Yunlan. Yunlan laugh, "Not really? They're just weakling!" As he laugh loud. "Shen Wei and Da quing sweat.

"What will happen to Wang Liu and his friends?" Yunlan ask. "Well I called his manager, he and his friend will be suspended for a while until further notice. Your pretty lucky you know how to fight!" But suddenly the nurse came with a big needle. "Wait what is that?!" Ask Yunlan.

"Well sir! It seems you arms graze a piece of rusty metal. We need to inject you with anti tetanus!" Yunlan almost pop his eyes off and faint. "Inject me?!" He tried to run outside but the two big nurse hold him tight. "Xiao Wei help!" Yezun sweat. His admiration to Yunlan dropped. While Shen Wei and Da quing tried not to laugh.

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