The Past That Won't Let Go Of Him

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     "Wei! Darling! Could you cook your father's  favorite dish!" Shen Wei  first look at his mother with confuse on his face.

    "Don't  worry! We will guard your didi!" That made Shen Wei  release  Yunlan from his hold and went back to the kitchen. Mrs. Shen quickly talk to Yunlan. "I'm sorry if my son have done this to you!" As she started to cry. "His having a nervous breakdown ever since we lost our younger son. Yunlan was confuse, "What do you mean?"


       Shen Wei a ten years old boy  who have two brothers, one is Yezun and the other one is Lan lan. Lan lan is a five year old chatter box and the sweetest, younger brother of Shen Wei  whose lingers  around the two of them. Proudly shouting, "I have the two most beautiful  brothers  in the whole world!" And Shen Wei  will give him a lollipop.

    But one day while playing outside, men tried to kidnapped  his cute brother. Shen Wei  being the eldest shout for help and fought the men. Yezun tried to help too, but was shoved by the men. He quickly ran back to his parents for help.

    As they get out from the clutches of the men. The other guy tried to run down the two children with a car. When they were about to be hit. Yezun suddenly  appeared  and pulled his gege from being hit. Shen Wei  was shocked  and break his hold to his dear brother and that hit his dear didi and died on the spot. The kidnappers  were caught by the people who blocked  their ways. That day Shen Wei  blamed his twin on why he didn't  save their younger brother.

    Ever since that day, Shen Wei  would hurt himself and Yezun. Thus their parents have no choice but to enter Shen Wei  to a mental health  facility for children. There he met little Yunlan who have a traumatic experience  seeing his mother killed infront of him.

    Shen Wei  thought his didi  came back in the form of Yunlan. Whose timid and didn't  want to talk to anyone.
Shen Wei's  dark world became bright as he held the little  boy in his arms. "Lan lan didi! I'm your gege Wei for now on!" He said. Little  Yunlan look at him, "My gege?" Shen Wei  nod. Eversince that day, Shen Wei  won't  leave little  Yunlan alone. Whose becoming accustomed  to his present.

    The doctors seen the progress of Shen Wei  becoming well again because of his little  Yunlan. Whom his calling his  didi Lan lan. His didi Lan lan's  condition is progressing  as well while clutching his little  bunny toy in his arms. Both now inseparable.  Even in sleeping Shen Wei  envelop little  Yunlan in his embrace, while little  Yunlan would cuddle to him.

    But when it's  time to leave, Shen Wei  scream and won't  let go of little  Yunlan whose crying and won't  let go of his gege as well. "Wei! Please let go of Yunlan! His father is waiting for him! His the only family he have left." Explain his father.  As Xin ci took little Yunlan away from him. Shen Wei  ran after them. But fell down in the process.
"Didi! I promise you! I will find you! Wait for me! Wait for me!" He shout.

    When they brought Shen Wei  back home. Yezun welcome him happily only to be reject by him. Ever since then his gege turned  so cold on him.

*End Of Past*

     Mrs. Shen can't  stop apologizing  to Yunlan on what happened.  "But aunty I don't  remember  anything you said." Said Yunlan. "Your just eight years old back then! How can a child remember  everything. So please just go along with this and will call your father to notify him. Yunlan suddenly  chuckled. "My father didn't  care where  I am! Eversince my mother died he always blames me..." That made Mrs. Shen sad. "No parents wouldn't  love their child."

    Yunlan laugh again, "Yes! He always busy, that's  why I seperated from him and get a good job here in the city! Can I call my friends in my apartment so they might not get worried?" Mrs. Shen nod and gave him back his cellphone and called. "Hey Guo! I won't  be sleeping  there! I went to my relatives house for a while!" Guo was a little  bit puzzle. "Relatives? I thought his orphan?" As he hang the phone.

    They didn't  notice Shen Wei  is behind them. "What relatives? This is your family Lan lan!" Said Shen Wei.  "Listen Wei!" But Mrs. Shen stop him. "I mean gege! I just called my friends to tell them I'll be staying here for the night!" That made Shen Wei  smile.

    But when it's  time to go to bed, Yunlan was surprised  Shen Wei  laid beside him. "Look gege! I'm already big now!" But he was stop by Shen Wei  embrace him. "Just for now! I miss my little  Didi! While he snuggle to Yunlan and smell his scent. Yunlan on the other hand can't  stop himself  from falling. "If this keep going I might not get out in this trap and stay beside him!" He said to himself.

    Suddenly  Shen Wei  hym a song for him to make him sleep. "Stop doing this! I might fall for you! Strange Gege!" But that song seems familiar to Yunlan. As he heard it from before somewhere from his childhood. And never notice as sleep took over him.

    In the morning, he almost bolt out to stand up and to start  his day

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    In the morning, he almost bolt out to stand up and to start  his day. But an arm and legs stop him from moving. *Bleep!* I forgot I'm still at his house! How can I get out of his grip!" But as Shen Wei  turned his head to him. Yunlan can't  almost breath.

    Shen Wei  looking so lovely eventhough  his sleeping. While his soft, pink lips parted a little  making Yunlan swallowed  hard. "Think Yunlan! Think!" He told himself. But Shen Wei's  head snuggle to Yunlan's  neck. Making Yunlan shiver and became red. "Fight it Yunlan! His your gege! Remember!" But he suddenly  felt Shen Wei  kissing and licking his neck. And suddenly  bite him. Yunlan can't  help to moan the sensation it's  giving to his body. As it made his prize hard and burst accidentally.  That made Shen Wei  fluttered his eyes open as he felt wetness on their bed. Yunlan was mortified and can't  look to his gege in his eyes.

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