The Surprise

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When the fashion show began, Shen Wei went to see his husband at the back of the stage, looking stunning in summer wear.

"Honey! Your quiet handsome in that clothes!" Yunlan kiss Shen Wei, "Thanks! I'll see you at the audience!" As he ran back at the line. Because his the one opening the show. Shen Wei walk back to his seat infront of the stage. As he remembered  what happened  before the show.

*Flashback *

    Yunlan ran toward his wife, "Hey! Don't  get angry! I was only helping the woman who almost fall down on the stage!" Shen Wei  frown change, "Yes I know! But I don't  want you touching anyone just me, okay?!" Yunlan salutes  him. "Yes sir!" And kiss Shen Wei. But Shen Wei  suddenly  pulled him to an empty room and lock it.

     Yunlan smirk and wiggle his brow, "My wife is getting bolder eh?" Shen Wei  pushed  him on the wall, "Shut up! Just kiss me!" As he kiss him passionately.  While taking off  Yunlan's  shirt and pants and briefs.

    Yunlan on the other hand pulled up his shirt and pulled down  his pants and shorts as well. While holding Shen Wei  tightly into his arms. "I'm gonna punished  you for laying a hand to a woman!" Shen Wei suddenly  lift up Yunlan and thrust his prize.

    Yunlan tried to scream but Shen Wei  muffled him with his lips. As he roughly kiss Yunlan while rocking his body unto him. Until he hit that soft spot again and again, making Yunlan melt to his hold and moan loudly. Luckily there's  no one around when both shout their name and burst in each one of them.  "Aaaaah... Cupcake! More!" Yunlan shout. "Stop calling me cupcake!" As Shen Wei  thrust to him again and again. And spilled inside in him.

*End of Flashback *

    Shen Wei  can't  help to blushed  on what happen. As he still felt Yunlan's  warm body underneath him. Screaming for more. That hot and flustered body still lingers in his mind. Until the fashion show begin and lights shine the stage.  Shen Wei  didn't  notice his father in law came and sit in one of the audience's seat. Yunlan is the first to ramp on the stage. Everyone clapped  and take a pictures of him. "This brat?! Is this the only thing his doing here!" Said Xinci to himself.

    Yunlan do his best cat walk and walk back at the backstage. The people at the backstage pulled him to  the wardrobe  to change his clothes. "Hurry! Wear that clothes to him and put some make up!" Shout Luke to his people.  Luckily many models still walking in the runway.  "Hurry! The show is about to end! We need the grand finale!" As Yunlan step out and ramp. All lights beam toward him. Making people awe  in seeing the grand finale.

   Everyone clapped and take a pictures at him. He wink at Shen Wei  and smile. But suddenly  his smile fade as he saw his angry father's  face  looking straight at him. "*BLEEP!* WHAT'S  HE DOING HERE!" He said to himself and  swallowed  hard, making Shen Wei  notice his husband nervousness and quickly walk back. But Luke suddenly  pulled him back to the stage. As one of his PA gave Luke a boquet  of flowers and all bow to the audiences with his other models.

    Yunlan tried to smile, Luke notice it. "What's  wrong?" He ask. Yunlan lips pointed in the audience direction. "A kiss?" Luke misinterpret  it and almost kiss him. But Yunlan blocked  his lips with his hand, "My Father! You idiot, not a kiss!" He pointed with his finger. Well it's  not only his father look angry even Shen Wei  when he see his act. And boy....his not happy.

    After the show Shen Wei  was about to scold Yunlan when his father beat him to it. "So this is what your doing?! We have an agreement after  the wedding and honeymoon your going home to be a policeman! Not a model of  underwear!" He shout. "Sir it's  not underwear!" Said Luke politely.  But Mr. Zhao glared at him making him shrink behind Shen Wei.

   Mr. Zhao suddenly pound his fist on one of the tables. Making both the three startle. "Tomorrow  you and I gonna leave and go back to our country!" Shen Wei  was about to speak. When Yunlan beat him. "No! I'm not leaving Shen Wei  here! Were a couple  now Dad! Please understand!" Well that made his father more furious  than before.

    "Your visa here is about to expire! You'll be sent to jail for over staying! You can visit Wei here again! In the next vacation!" Xin ci explain. "No! I'm not leaving my wife here!" As he hugged  Shen Wei.  But his father tried to pull him away from Shen Wei.

    "I told you! You can't  overstay here!" And trying  to pull him away from Shen Wei again. "I said I'm gonna stay!" Shout Yunlan. Almost tearing Shen Wei's  shirt. "Stop!" Shen Wei  shout. That made everyone stop.

     "Wei! You know Yunlan will be in trouble if he stay here more than weeks!" Said Xin ci. "Your father is right Yunlan! You must go back or the immigration  might sent you to jail for overstaying!" Yunlan want to protest but he know his wife is right. "Honey! I'll be back with in a every spring break! I promise you!" But Shen Wei  can't  help to cry knowing Yunlan will be gone to his side.

    But this is for their future, so he need to convince Yunlan to go back. Yunlan seeing the worried eyes of Shen Wei.  He have no choice  but to go back with his father this week. So several days after Shen Wei's  school he will quickly go home. To spend the days left with his Yunlan.  Having a happy date and hot night. Before Yunlan go back to their country with his father.

    "Cupcake I don't  want to leave you!" Shen Wei  snuggle to his hold. "Don't  worry I'm always gonna call you or we can video call! Do you like that?" But Yunlan whined,  "I'm gonna miss your warm touched and your soft lips!" That made Shen Wei  hugged  him tightly, "Yes! I'm gonna miss you too!" As Shen Wei  cried  to his embrace.



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