Fashion Show

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     You can heard the scream of Yunlan from the other room. When the nurse injected him with the medicine.

    Shen Wei  carried him back home. Because the effect of the medicine, making him fill dizzy and nausea. "This is that guys fault if I see him......" Yunlan suddenly  fell asleep and snore. Making Shen Wei relax and laid him on the bed while taking off his shoes and socks. Just to see a beautiful  sight. And laid himself  embracing Yunlan.

    The next morning  Shen Wei  was smiling from ear to ear because Yunlan accompany him to his office. His worried another goodlooking model might  got interest on his lover. Making them see his not available anymore.
Suddenly  Da quing  ran toward Shen Wei  to tell him a good news that he was selected to a design competition.

    "Wow! Xiao We! That's  great!" Said Yunlan. "But the bad news no one wants to be your model! Because they're  scared to Wang Lui to be by your side." Said Da quing.  "Where would we find a model to be in your contest?!" Suddenly  both look at Yunlan. "What?!" Shen Wei  bat his doe eyes on him. Because the winner will have a scholarship  in the Dragon city Fashion School.

    Yunlan have no choice but to agree to ramp as a model for Shen Wei. Next day the contest begin. First there's  eighteen  of them from different fashion companies with their models. Yunlan was a bit uncomfortable because  his not a real model. Looking at the other models who look professional on how they stand. But he need to hide this because he wants  his Shen Wei  to have confidence in winning this contest.

    When the contest begin, "The theme is "Bag Is My Life!" The announcer gave them the supplies they need. Different bags where in a box, wires, glue, wardrobes and more. Yunlan felt his the one whose in the contest  rather than Shen Wei, as it started. Shen Wei  with his tablet, draw his design for Yunlan's clothes. With it's  colors and the right  bags for it.  He suddenly  took some wires, a some bags  and some colored fabric.  While working on it, Yunlan can't  stop admiring Shen Wei.  He look  more beautiful  when serious working on a particular project. Shen Wei  suddenly  called him to be measured. He playfully  kiss him if he get near him. The other  contestants laugh on how sweet the two.

    Suddenly  the clock chimes and the announcer stop them to take a brake and be given food. While they're  eating outside the studio. "Wow! Your design is reall facinating?!" Said Yunlan. But I'm getting worried about the bags and belts that they might fall off!" Yunlan assured him that he won't  let it happen, so he didn't  have to worry.

    And kiss him on the cheek, that put a smile on Shen Wei's  face and his worried  suddenly  fade. After lunch they continue  again the game. And ended in midnight as everyone was exhausted and  given a room to sleep. One for the designers room and two for the models.  Each rooms are divided so all of them have privacy. The models have two rooms. One dor the female  and one for the males. Yunlan want to sleep with Shen Wei  but he was place to the rooms of the male models to sleep.

    "I'm feeling I'm back at my school sleeping with my team mates. As he tried to sleep. Then he heard a whispered  from one of his room mates. That one team will ruin another. He suddenly  jolt in sitting upon hearing it. "Hey! Friend whose designer are you talking about?" First his roomates won't  tell but when he told him his a police officer everyone become shocked  and afraid.

    "It is the team of  Arfreak they want to ruin the designer name  Shen Wei  because they're  the friend of Wang Lui!" Said one of the model. So the man whose paler than Shen Wei  whose always looking at his lover. He notice that. He thank the man and promise he won't  tell it to anyone.

    Earlier next day,  he went to the designer's room to greet Shen Wei when unexpected thing he seen. One of the designer is placing something inside Shen Wei's  bag. "Hey! You!" He shout startling the paler man, name Ching.

    "What are you doing with my boyfriend's  bag?!" He shout. While holding the man wrist. Making the others  woke up even Shen Wei. "Lan lan? What's  happening?!" He ask. "Let go of me!" Shout Ching. "This man put something  in your bag!" Shen Wei  suddenly  took his bag from Ching. "How did my bag get here?!"

    And took out the thing that Yunlan said. "What is this powder thing?!" Yunlan look at it closely and  smell it. "It's  drugs! This is illegal drugs!" Ching tried to denied it. "It's  just powder! It's  not drugs! I was only joking him!"

   Momentarily  Da quing  and the other officers of the game came. As Yunlan handed Ching to them and the drugs. "They're  trying to frame up Shen Wei  with drugs!" As he look at Ching. "Do you know why I know it? Because I'm a police officer!" That made Ching paler than before. "Wang Liu didn't  tell me Shen Wei's boyfriend is a police officer!" He shout to himself.

    After what happened  the Arfreak is disqualified  because of what they did and was arrested because of illegal drugs. Shen Wei  thank his lover for saving him. "How did you know they're  plan? And why are you so early going to our room?" He ask. "Because I've heard it in one of the models talking about it. And most of all! I miss you! I miss your warm embrace and kisses!" Making Shen Wei  blushed as Yunlan tried to kiss him.

   "Not here! Lan lan everyone is looking at us!" Da quing  cough from behind. "We the judges thank you for finding out what they're  doing and we disqualified the Arfreak. And we promise, we won't  tell the others that your a police. But before we leave could you tell the other contestants  and models that breakfast is serve at the cafeteria!" As Da quing  and the other  judges left  them.

   Minute pass all contestants  and their models are eating  at the cafeteria. One of the seatmates of Shen Wei  and Yunlan was intrigued  on how they fond each other. Yunlan would tell them eversince  they were children they knew each other.

   "When Lan  lan was a child  he always never let go of my hand! That's  why his so attached  to me!" Making Shen Wei  blushed.  "I think it's  the other way around my love? Your the one whose so attached  to me because of that  you can't forget me and tried to find me!" Said Yunlan. "Your mistaken Lan lan your still a child back then while I'm older than you! That's why   I know  your the one whose so attached  to me! That you didn't  forget me?  And I'm the only one you love! Right?" Shen  Wei  ask. Yunlan sweat, "Aaaah.....I think my phone is ringing.... excuse me!" As he stand quickly. But Shen Wei  tailed after him. "What do you mean Lanlan?!"



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