To See You Once Again

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     Yunlan woke up with a head ache and coughing. "Man! Your sick!" Said Guo.

    "Stay in bed for a while I'll take to Mr. Zhuiji that your sick!" Said Lin Jing. "No way! And let Chu takes the glory! This sickness can't  block me down  from doing my work properly!" He shout.

    Making Guo and Lin Jing look at one another. The truth is Yunlan is working at a factory of Kats a famous T shirt industry. Manager Zhuiji  have promise him if he works hard. He will promoted at becoming a supervisor. Because of his hard working. But his enemy at that position is Chu an old employee  like him whose also a working hard and dilegent person.

    Guo and Lin Jing didn't  know why the two would like to be the supervisor because the amount that they will received will be the same as the workers but additional responsibilities.  As they know manager Zhuiji is cheap in giving them additional pay.

    While working Yunlan keep on coughing. "Damn! This soar throat! I have already drink a medicine but still it won't  go away!" Suddenly  Chu smirk at him, "Why Yunlan that's  cough is pretty bad! You should take a rest!" Yunlan just look at him, "No way! I won't  be defeated by this cough!" He shout. But suddenly  he felt dizzy and almost lost his balance while carrying a box full of t-shirt.

    Luckily Guo caught  him. "Hey! Yunlan your burning up! I think you need to go home for a while!" Yunlan shake his head. But as Zhuiji caught him, he was excuse to go home since he might spread the virus.

    A minute pass as he seat on a bench waiting for a bus.  He suddenly  felt  groogy because of the medicine that the nurse given to him. He accidentally  laid his head on someone shoulder. And snoor, he didn't  notice that shoulder belong to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  smile seeing his prey came. And took a taxi instead and carried Yunlan in it. As the taxi drove away.

    Yunlan never knew that Shen Wei brought him to his apartment and laid him on his bed. He quickly took off his shoes and changes his clothes to his pajama suites. While getting a drench towel and wiping it on Yunlan's  face and neck, making him stir a little  and sleep back.

    Shen Wei  can't  help caressing Yunlan's  face and kiss his forehead. "Your safe now! Didi! I won't  let them take you away!" As he squeeze Yunlan's  hand and kiss it.

   In an hour Yunlan wake up in a comfortable bed, with aircon in the room and his clothes change. "What happened?!!! Did some pervert kidnapped  me?!!!" As he sit and look around. And was about to stand up only to get dizzy and laid back to bed while coughing.

    "Didi! I told you to stay in bed!" As Shen Wei  tuck him again. "Wait?! Your the guy from yesterday!" As he become red. "I told you I'm not your brother!" But Shen Wei  ignored his words. And kiss him on the lips making him shut up. "Here just eat first and take your medicine." Yunlan oblige to everything he said. He didn't  know why but he felt  the guy is warm and feels home.

   As he lull him back to sleep while combing his hair with his fingers, making Yunlan relax as sleep took over him. When night came, Yezun and his mother came. They were surprised  that Shen Wei  is cooking dinner. "Mom! You came!" And kiss his mother.  He suddenly  hug Yezun. "Sorry didi! I got carried away when I'm angry!" Yezhn was shocked  hearing it for the first time.

    But they were more shocked when Shen Wei  said. "I have good new for you! I found my Lan lan didi again!" He said. First Yezun and his mother look at each other. And can't  believe  what they just heard. "WHAT?!!!" Both of them say.

   Shen Wei  lead them to his room, just to see a sleeping Yunlan laid on Shen Wei's  bed. As Shen Wei  gave to Yezun the ID of Yunlan. "How did you find him?!" He was shocked. "The rain! It lead him to me!" And seated beside Yunlan's  bed. While caressing his hair, "I always pray from above that I  will find my didi! And now his here!" He suddenly  place a kiss on Yunlan's  lips.

    Making his twin and mother shocked.
"Gege! Your getting a little  farther, "What  about his family and friends?! Did you told them Lan lan is gonna live with us for a while?!" He ask. Suddenly  Shen Wei  frown. "Why did I need their permission?! His mine! You just gave him away to someone! And look what's  happened  to him! He got thin and look weary! That people never taken care of my Lan lan! I'm not letting them take him away again!" He suddenly  hold Yunlan tightly.

    "Call your father quickly! Before anything  get out of hand!" Whispered  her mother  to Yezun. Yezun secretly  call his father to go home early.

    As his father got home they explained everything and was shocked that Shen Wei  caught his didi again. "How the heck he do that? And whose this man!" He accidentally  shout. "Dad! Not so loud! You'll  wake up my didi!" Shout Shen Wei  back.

   That  stir Yunlan up and scream when seeing  them all. "Who are you all?! And where am I?" Yunlan started to panic. But Shen Wei  tried to calmed  him down by embracing him. "Shush! Didi! It's  our family! Don't  you remember  Dad, Mom and your  gege as well. Yunlan look shocked. "Please I want to go home!" But Shen Wei  rubbed  his back. "Didi.... you are home! And kiss him on the cheeks, nose and lips. Yunlan was confuse as well as frightened  on what's  happening.

    While the family  of Shen Wei  was shocked  to do anything. "I can't  believe  Wei kidnapped  a stranger!" Whispered  his father to them. Yezun shake his head, "No! His not a stranger Dad! It is his didi alright! You break them apart but found each other again!" As Yezun gave the ID to his father, "Zhao Yunlan! What?!!! How?"

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