Chapter 8:

825 49 13

'I'll get over you, I surely will.'

Luna's POV:

One day has passed since I graduated, and let me tell you: it's not fun.

Mom rushed me to get a job as soon as possible, I'm not blaming her. I've been relying on her my whole life, I wanted to do the same for her, especially since she's getting older.

She suggested to apply to a big company in Seoul, which is luckily the same place Jeongin is gonna work too, if he passed the requirements in the job. He's a great artist, a great artist.

I've submitted my documents online, and the only thing I'm waiting for is their response.

I'm now scrolling through my phone, bored to death. Liking a few posts here and there.

"Sweetheart! Come here for a second. Oh- wait! I'll come there." I heard my mom's voice.

What is she doing?

"Oh my god! Look at this!" She brought my laptop upfront to my face.

I widened my eyes as soon as I read the email.

'You're going to have a face to face interview with the company head in a few days. Nonetheless, you're qualified in your desired position.'

"Oh my gosh. Thank you." I muttered repeatedly.

Mom excitedly jumped while cheering like a kid.

"You'll go to Seoul tomorrow. I already found an apartment for you. Pack your bags." She clapped.

"Why does it look like you don't want me here?" I laughed.

"Oh honey, I'll miss you for sure. But you'll get to visit me once in a while. I want you to experience the dream life you have. You'll be fine there. Jeongin and you will meet up regularly too." She softly smiled.

I hugged her petite frame, trapping her in my embrace.

"I love you so much, mom. I love you so so much." I muttered.

"I love you more." She stroked my hair, pulling away from the hug.

"Get started now. You have to be ready when they tell you to meet up with them. Pack your stuff now." She headed towards the door, exiting my room.

I sighed as I took in what's about to happen.

We can do this. Just believe in yourself.

My worries we're cut off by my phone vibrating.

Fr: Innie :)

Omg you won't believe
what happened.


The biggest art
company in Seoul just
accepted me.


I'm so proud of you
Guess what too?
I got in!

No way.... We'll still
be able to meet up

I need to go pack
I'll be leaving tomorrow :(

I'll be following you.

I smiled at the conversation.

He's precious.

I stood up my bed and began collecting all the stuff I have.

I'll surely miss this. The memories and moments are beautiful.

Is it the memories though? Or is it the person in the memories?

I mentally slapped myself for thinking such thing. I've never been able to stop wondering about him.

I sighed once again, and focused more on packing.


I kissed my mom in the cheek and smiled one last time.

"I'll message you once I arrive." I said waving my hand.

I saw her nod.

Seoul, here we go.

I did what I need to do and finally sat on the plane.

Unfortunately, I live on the opposite side of Seoul, so I need to ride a plane.

I slowly let myself relax and rest through the ride.

As the plane landed, I reached for my luggages and proceeded to find the apartment I'm gonna live in.

I opened my phone and saw tons of messages.

I went to my mom's contact and quickly sent her an update.

Me being an easily distracted person, I checked out one article that was one of my notif.

'A new model has been stealing the country's attention.'

'Choi Yeonjun, a fashion model has stole hearts of many netizens. The perfect looking man has set a trend by his recent photoshoot.'

'Find out more...."

I smiled sadly as I reminisce the times with him.

I'm glad you achieved your dream. I'm achieving mine too.

I finally found the place that I'm looking for. I hailed a cab and drove to my new home.

A modern looking building was seen from outside. I was dropped of infront of it, leaving me awestruck.

I grabbed my stuff and went inside. I found the unit and slowly entered.

White walls are surrounding the place along with accents of earth tones. It was an almost empty room if it wasn't for the tables and chairs.

There was a decent sized bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and two small storage rooms. There was also two bathrooms. One beside the bedroom and one was for the outside.

Better than I anticipated.

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