Chapter 13:

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'Sharing my fragile truth, that I still hope the door is open.'

Luna's POV:

After Seungmin driving me home, I hastily went inside my apartment.

I changed into comfortable clothes and went to the kitchen. I cooked a simple, marinated chicken and ate while watching tv.

I felt my phone buzz, I immediately checked the notifications and saw Jeongin's texts.

Fr: Innie :)

It's saturday tomorrow
Should we meet up?
Imy :(

Yeah sure
Where tho?

I think we just live a
couple streets away
Should we meet up at
the nearest mall?

I'm down
Lunch time
And you owe me a donut

I forgot about that


I'll bring a friend

No fair
I can't bring a friend

Shut up
Just go to sleep now

I quickly washed the dishes and went to my bedroom. I finished doing my night routine and eventually gone to sleep.

Buzz buzz buzz

I felt my phone vibrate on the bedside table.

I groaned as I sat up, turning off the alarm.

"The heck? It's saturday, there's no work." I rubbed my eyes, still half asleep.

I suddenly remembered the meet up with my bestfriend.

I quickly got off the bed and took a shower. I picked a white oversized shirt and topped it off with a light brown dress.

After putting a little bit of makeup, I checked my reflection in the mirror. I smiled, satisfied with my look.

I checked the time.


I grabbed my purse and headed to the mall.

I looked around trying to find the familiar face.

"Boo!" I jumped at the sudden noise.

I turned around and saw Jeongin smiling widely.

"Innie!" I hugged the boy.

"Hello~" He greeted, swaying side to side.

I pulled away from the hug, looking for 'his friend'.

"Where's your friend?" I asked.

"He'll meet us at a restaurant. Let's eat first." He grabbed my hand.

"But I just ate." I pouted, thinking of the delicious food that I won't eat.

"You'll order dessert." He replied.

"My donut!" I poked his cheeks.

He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I'll buy you a donut." He giggled.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down on an empty table.

He ordered for the two of us, also ordering for his friend.

"So what happened recently?" He asked, raising his brows.

"I made friends on my work. Nothing much." I shrugged.

"Oh really? That doesn't sound true. If it's your life we're talking about, it's always interestingly dramatic." He made gestures with his hands, causing me to laugh.

Jeongin got a call from his phone.
I'm guessing it's his friend.

"I'm inside the restaurant already."

"I can't see you though."

"Hyung, are you blind?"

"Nevermind, I see you."

He hanged up the call.

A boy came from behind me.

"Hello." A familiar voice spoke.

I turned to the direction and saw Seungmin.


"Hi Luna! Are you with Jeongin?" He sat down beside me.

"Yeah. Hey, Innie. Why didn't you say Seungmin's your friend?" I crossed my arms.

"I didn't know you were friends at first." He shrugged.

"How did you become friends?" I asked the boy beside me.

"We're roomates." He replied.

"Oh really? That's interesting. I'm sure you had a hard time living with this adorable loud dolphin." I pointed to Jeongin.

"And I suddenly disappear." Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Here's your order. Please enjoy."

After hanging out the whole day, we eventually got tired and decided to go home.

Seungmin got my number and Jeongin is just Jeongin.

After changing clothes, I scrolled through my gallery.

I laughed as I saw funny pictures of the duo.

My laughter soon died down as my mind wandered to yesterday.

What does he want to talk about?
Maybe apologize? Why do even wanna know? I'm here still hoping.

I shook my head, scolding myself.
I just can't help but think about him.

I sighed, continuing on scrolling.

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