Chapter 21:

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'Till then, we can be what
we used to be.'


una's POV:

After hanging out with the duo, I headed home.

Laying down on my bed, I suddenly remember my mother's words.

"Check the messages." I mumbled.

I swiftly grabbed my phone from the night stand.

Fr: Mom ❤

Honey, I'm planning to visit Jeju
Can you join in?
You can probably get
a week off at work

I'm sorry
I only saw this now
I'll tell Soobin

It must be stressful there

Yeah it is
Are we going to
my fave couz?

Who else would I visit there?

Oh my god
Thank you
I love you so much

I love you too, darling
It's pretty late
Go to sleep
I'll send you the informations


I smiled happily after knowing the news. I will finally be able to get a short rest.

Placing back my phone to where it was, I wrapped myself in the thick blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Buzz buzz buzz

I groaned at the noise, turning off the alarm.

Doing my usual morning routine, I skipped happily on my way to work.

"Ooh~ someone's in a good mood." Minhee poked my sides as soon as I walked in.

"I'll be requesting a week off. I'll visit my mother." I smiled at the taller boy.

"Aww... Bring back some snacks though." He giggled.

"Always thinking about food." I shook my head playfully.

I sat on my desk, seeing Seungmin on his.

"Hey, Minmin." I greeted.

"Hello~" He sang.

"When are you telling Soobin though?" Minhee chirped in.

"Oh, maybe later." I shrugged, starting on work.


"Lunch time at last!" Minhee ran outside the door.

I quietly chuckled at his behavior.

"That guy will never change huh?" Seungmin said behind me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Having lunch with me?" He asked.

"As always. And with that hungry kid as well." I giggled.

Seungmin lead through the door and we went to the cafeteria.

"There he is." Seungmin pointed at Minhee who was busy munching on food.

Holding a tray on our hands, we made our way to our friend.

"Why not wait next time, Minhee?" I scolded.

"I'm hungry." He shrugged.

I chuckled once again before eating the meal.

"Mr. Bread?" I called out outside his office.

"Yes, Ms. Gorgeous?" I snickered at the nickname before going inside.

"Can I please take a week off? My mom really wanted me to join her in her travel." I started.

"Oh sure. All your work would be sent on your laptop. There's no deadline in all of those so your good." He smiled, showing his cute dimples.

"That's it? No hesitation?" I asked, making sure.

"You're one of the best workers here. Of course I would say yes. I know your current situation is really draining so you need a little break. It's fine don't worry about it." He looked into my eyes.

I smiled at him.

"You're the best! Thank you Mr. Handsome!" I exited the room.

"I like the nickname. Call me that more often!" He shouted through the door.

"I'm at the airport now. Where are you, mom?" I said on my phone.

"Oh! There you are. I see you!" She shouted.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

I turned around, only to see mom smiling.

"I missed you." I engulfed her into a hug.

"I missed you too. Let's get home first." She helped me with my stuff.

"Home sweet home." I whispered as we arrived.

"You'll rest here for a day and then we'll go to Jeju after." Mom announced, heading to the kitchen.

"Okay." I said back.

Grabbing my stuff, I went to my room.

"Gosh, it's been one month but it feels like forever." I mumbled.

This one week break will be worth it.


Here's a cute Jeongin:

Here's a cute Jeongin:

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