Chapter 28:

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'Even if it hurts so bad,
I'll do it for you.'

Luna's POV:

It was the day after talking with Jeongin, it honestly did make me feel a lot better. And I got to know my own feelings as well. A little afraid of rejection, I decided to hold it in for now. Right timing is the key.

I was the first to arrive at the office, which is pretty unusual because Minhee tends to be early.

"-oof! I'm here. I arrived." Someone came in crashing.

"What the...." I looked at the person and saw a very sleepy Minhee.

"What happened to you?" I pressed my lips into a thin line, not wanting to laugh at the state of my friend.

"I kinda got lost from all the K-dramas." He scartched his nape while smiling awkwardly.

"Oh well. That happens." I shrugged, resting on my chair, still too early to start working.

Minhee also made his way to his desk and did the same gesture.

"You know......" He trailed off.


"Soobin likes ice cream more than bread now." He mindlessly spun with the chair.

"HE WHAT!?" I widened my eyes.

"He likes ice cream more than bread?" Minhee scratched cheeks.

"That food cheater." I mumbled.

"Good Morning!" Seungmin entered the room.

I felt myself tense but I'm trying my best to act indifferent.

"Good Morning." I said with a small wave.

A few weeks have past and I still can't confess. I also haven't met up Yeonjun. It's not like I want to, and it's not like I don't want to either.

Currently laying down on my bed, reading a digital book.

My phone rang and I immediately checked the caller.


I picked up the call.

"I'll say something important to you, please meet up at the nearby cafe. You'll be very happy." That was all he said before hanging up the call. I didn't even reply.

I groaned as I got up and grumpily got ready.

"Now, what in the world does he wanna say now. I'm supposed to have a lazy day." I muttered under my breath.

I arrived at the cafe and saw no signs of Yeonjun so I decided to wait at an empty table.

I tapped the table impatiently.

"Where the heck is he?" I said the same time with a boy behind me.

I looked at the direction and saw Seungmin.

"Seungmin?" I asked, but can't help to smile.

"Who are you waiting for?" He replied with a question.

I didn't want to tell him that I'm meeting up with Yeonjun because he might beat him up or something.

"Uh just wait for a minute." I checked my phone to text Yeonjun but he was faster to do so.

Fr: Choi Yeonjun

Great, you two saw each other. Now it's time to confess.

I quietly gasped at the statement.

That son of mochi! Why would he do that? Oh god my heart is pounding right now. I don't want to. How did he know anyways. Oh dear lord please help me. I don't want to do it.

My phone vibrated once again.

Fr: Choi Yeonjun

Don't be such a scaredy cat
Do it now Luna
You'll be fine

I gulped as I looked up from the expectant Seungmin.

"Before that, I have to tell you something." I awkwardly smiled.

Seungmin switched to the other side of the table.

"I also want to tell you something." He held eye contact. I roamed my eyes on his beautiful structures. His velvety skin, his puppy eyes, his squishy cheeks, his angelic smile, what more reason to fall for? He has the best personality as well.

"But you go first." He added.

"No you go."

"You go first-"

"How about we say the same time?" I suggested.

He shrugged.

"Okay one.... two..... three!"

"Ilikeyou!" We blurted out.

"What?" I asked, not believing my ears.

"Uhm, I like you? I liked you since day 1. I'm sorry if I only told you now." His cheeks tinted pink.

"Oh..... I - uh I don't know when I started liking you but I know I do. I never expected that you would like me back." I'm sure I'm also blushing right now.

"So that does mean we're..... official?" Seungmin asked.

I nodded my head, smiling widely.

"I'll be your knight forever." He held my hands over the table.

I shook my head in disagreement.

"No, I want you to be Seungmin. My Seungmin." I squeezed his hands softly.

He just smiled and stared.

The two starstruck lover completely forgot about the one who brought them together.

Yeonjun who was looking from behind was now in tears.

"You deserve it, princess. You deserve it." He mumbled wiping his tears away.

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