Chapter 24:

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'I think it's better to let go than hope for things that aren't possible.'

Luna's POV:

Stretching in my chair, I put my hands up in the air while yawning.

I felt tired, both mentally and physically.

Resting my head on my desk, I closed my eyes trying to not think of anything.

"Hey, your phone keeps vibrating. Aren't you gonna answer it?" Minhee tapped my shoulders.

"Oh." I quickly checked the caller and saw a very unexpected person.

"Why is Mira calling?" I muttered to myself.

Taking a deep breath before answering the call,

"Hi Mira. You called?"

"Oh yeah, uhm- could you let me know when your work ends? I mean- I have to say something to you. I probably disturbed you, sorry." She nevously stated.

"Oh, uh-" I looked at the clock and saw that work time is over in a few minutes.

"It ends in a few minutes. Should we meet at-"

"Could we meet at the library? Please?" She almost sounded like she was about to cry.

"Yeah sure. Are you okay?" I asked as I sensed something.

"I'm not but I will be. I'll see you later." She hanged up the call.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at the sudden meet up but decided to go nonetheless.

I fixed my stuff before turning to my two co-workers.

"I'll go before you guys, I have something to do." I smiled.

"Oh okay. Be safe." They both replied.

I headed to the meet up place, feeling uneasy.

I found myself sitting at a random table with a nervous Mira infront of me.

"So?" I started.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. Please don't think I'm crazy." She anxiously played with the hem of her sleeves.

"I won't." I chuckled.

"So, me and Yeonjun have been together for almost a year now. But I broke up with him." She gulped.

I confusingly stared at the girl.

"Why exactly are you telling me this?"

"Well, as I said, I'll be honest so- we got together halfway the school year, and our relationship was good. But I started to feel extremely insecure about myself because of you. You're the perfect girl everyone wants. I'm afraid Yeonjun did too. After assuring me that I was good enough, I started to feel myself fade away. I didn't feel the same for Yeonjun anymore. And I know that because I felt guilty, maybe I was the reason why you stopped talking. I know that he likes you. Maybe not from the start but he likes you now. Believe me or not I don't care. I just wanted to say that. I know I'm ranting, I'm sorry." She sadly smiled.

"You must've gone through a lot. I'm thankful that you told me this." I held her hands.

"Thank you for understanding." She stood up.

"That's my job." I playfully winked.

"If someone's knocking on your door right now, please think carefully before letting them in." She put her hands on my heart before walking away.

That was random and weird.

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