Chapter 22:

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'Shouldn't love you but
I couldn't help it.'

Yeonjun's POV:

A few day after staying in the hospital, it's now time to go home.

"Hey baby." Mira entered the room.

"Hi." I smiled at the sight of my girlfriend.

"I finished handling your documents. We can go home now." She inched closer to the bed.

"Thank you. You've done so much." I held her hands tightly.

The thought of my old bestfriend came into mind.

The heated arguement, the shouting, the emotions. I didn't really listen to what she said. I was blinded, I guess.

"You should also thank Luna, you know?" Mira suddenly said.

"What?" I choked up on my words, surprised at the coincidence.

"She came here when you were in the emergency room. She did a great job comforting me. I woke up in my apartment the next morning, turns out she was the one who sent me there." She explained.

"Oh." Was all that I can say.

She's still nice after all the things I've done to her? Why did I do that anyways? This annoying beat in my heart whenever she's near, my blood rushing to my face, the feeling of fondness when she laughs.

I pushed her away because I started to feel something.

Something that shouldn't be felt for a bestfriend.

"Hey, you okay?" Mira waved her hand.

"Yeah I'm good. Let's go?" I carefully stood up.

Mira went beside me and assisted my figure.

Why are you always in my mind?

"Yeonjun, now that we're here- we need to talk."

I gulped at what Mira said.
Nervousness rushing through my vein and my heart pounding.

"What are we gonna talk about?" I nervously fiddled with my hands.

"Let's be honest with each other. I'm gonna be straight forward." She sternly stared.

I just nodded.

"Look, you've been there for me for the past 8 months in our relationship. I love you, I really do. But things aren't the same anymore. The euphoria of you holding my hands isn't there anymore. The joy of you being by my side is fading away. And I think you've been feeling the same. Yeonjun, I don't know why you and Luna suddenly stopped talking and I feel like I'm at fault. I can tell that you like her. Please, talk to her again. You broke her so much. Please, be there for her again before somebody else grabs the chance." Mira's eyes were watering as she spoke with so much emotions.

"I don't think we can continue this. Let's stay as friends." She wiped her tears away before leaving me alone.

I felt myself break.

All this time, Luna was hurting because of what I did and so is Mira.

Oh god, what a terrible person I am.

Tears flowed freely down my eyes.

I did love Mira. I loved her, but the pain I'm feeling right now is mixed with guilt and regret.

Is this how Luna felt? Is this what it felt like?

I deserve more than this. Now I've lost one person important in my life.

With my cheeks wet from tears, I wiped my face trying to think clearly.

I can't lose another person.

I need to get Luna back. At least say sorry and explain everything to her.

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