Chapter 16:

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'Rising up, you're the sun that my life seeks.'

Luna's POV:

Seungmin made sure I was okay before he left my apartment.

Another day has ended again.

I sighed, memories of grief and hurtful moments are passing by my thoughts again.

'I should stop thinking about painful stuff.'

I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out.

I sat in my bed, staring outside the window beside it. The moonlight shining brightly, Illuminating the room.

I smiled at the view. Restless nights are always peaceful yet chaotic. Your mind runs all over while you just stare at nothing.

My thoughts suddenly drifted to my mom.

I miss her.

I remembered her touch, her hugs, her warmth. She always knew what to do with nights like this.

I don't know why dad decided to leave such a precious human being.

The world just seemed so cruel at the moment. I thought I already had enough of bad things but the universe is full of surprises.

I eventually got tired, and slept. The moon still brightly shining.

I woke up, feeling better than yesterday.

I checked my phone because I didn't hear the alarm go off yet.


I smiled and got off the bed. Planning to take a relaxing bath, I hummed my way to the bathroom.

After getting dressed with casual clothing, I went to the kitchen.

I cooked a healthy breakfast, knowing that I can't eat all what I cooked.

I finished what I can and stored the leftovers in the fridge.

I, again checked the time.


"A small walk won't hurt." I said to myself, taking my bag.

I got outside of my apartment and got greeted by the sunrise.

The atmosphere seemed so light and happy.

I sang a soft tune while walking my way to a park before going to work.

The view of kids playing was seen.

It doesn't seem to early.

I felt a tug on my hand. I looked down and saw a cute girl.

"Hello, can I help you?" I crouched down to her level.

"I sell cookies, unnie. Can you buy some?" She showed a basket of sweet treats.

"Of course." I chuckled.

I handed her my money.

"Here. I'll only buy three but you can keep the rest of the money okay?" I smiled.

"I can't do that." She shook her head.

"It's fine. And can I ask, how old are you?" I grabbed the cookies she handed.

"I'm 6 years old. My grandma is over there. She's selling cookies too." She pointed.

I smiled softly.

"You're grandma is so lucky to have you. Say hi to grandma for me, okay?" I ruffled her hair.

She nodded, enthusiastic.

"I have to go now. Take care." I waved.

"Bye unnie!" She smiled widely.

I continued to head to the company.

"Good Morning Minmin." I greeted as I arrived.

"Morning." Both Minhee and Seungmin replied.

"You want cookies?" I asked munching on one.

"Sure." They shrugged while grabbing one.

"Wow, this is tasty." I muttered.

I opened my desktop and read the note:

Schedule for today:

Take landscape photos for desktop wallpapers.

Edit the photos and sumbit them to the head.

"I guess I have to go outside again." I sighed.

"I'll come with you. I need to take photos too." Seungmin proposed.

I nodded.

"Is there a deadline to this?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." He stood up, holding his camera.

I did the same and walked to the door.

"Why do you always leave me alone in the office?" Minhee whined.

I chuckled along with Seungmin.

"See you later." I bid.

"Seungmin?" I called out.

We have been taking pictures of the scenery for the past hour.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Thank you for always being there for me. We've only met two weeks ago but it feels like we know each other for eternity." I said as I checked photos.

"Why so sudden?" He laughed.

"You know, I'll always save you. I'll always protect you.

I'll be your knight." He added.

"Is that so?" I chuckled.

"Mm~" He hummed.

"Okay then." I smiled, focusing on the task.

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