I thought I hated this guy before, but last we met he was reasonably kind. Now Metatron's true colors were clear as day. He was an intentionally aggravating peice of shit.
He wouldn't shut the hell up about how it felt to be human. And worst of all, he wouldn't stop pestering either one of us. Or just stop talking in general, despite having a crudely wrapped and festering bullet wound.
It was dark still, so naturally I was still wide awake, and flipping through radio stations in the car with but a blink of my eyes. The Scribe took it upon himself after awhile to take over, pointedly leaving out the rock stations I was scanning. I about killed him right there.
"You know, I heard you can sing, Seer," he commented, "did you know there's power in that?"
"I don't do that anymore," I informed him with annoyance.
"Why not? Vampirism make you sound like a dying cat?"
I actually didn't have an answer for that. It had in fact been a long time since I'd sang, willingly and perfectly sane. Somehow, somewhere along the twisted road of my life, I'd forgotten music.
Something came on the radio that apparently wasn't sitting well with Castiel, so he shut it off just as Metatron appeared to enjoying it.
"Really? That song is a classic," he whined, "Yeah I hear you. I do. And you’re right. Inclement weather on the day of your nuptials and the wrong cutlery at inopportune times is hardly ironic. But it sure is catchy..."
Neither of us were amused, or in agreement.
" Yeah, fair point. Can’t argue taste. But since I became human, it’s just so….strange. All these feelings, you know? I mean, I can feel music. Like that last song, “Sussudio.” I don’t even know what it’s about and I love it. I always enjoyed lyrics, words, stories. Gives me goose bumps. And Goosebumps – don’t even get me started on those. Creepy! And yet….arousing."I groaned with irritation at him, just as Cas's phone started ringing.
"I'll show you goosebumps..." I threatened."Can I just kill him now?" Cas asked Sam gruffly over the phone after not saying a word for hours.
"You know I can hear you, right?" Metatron chirped.
"Yeah he knows..." I huffed.
"No, we need him alive for now. Look, after he gives you your Grace back, you can do whatever you want with him."
"Well I'd like to kill him, slowly.."
"I'd like to gnash his throat in my teeth," I added, intentionally giving him a tremor.
"I am like two feet from you!"
"Anything on the Mark of Cain?" Cas pressed more importantly.
"No. I mean, I’ve been digging for something, for anything, but… I don’t know Cas."
"There is an answer out there," Cas insisted, maybe more to himself, "we will find a cure for Dean."
"I don't know why you'd wanna cure that little firecracker," Metatron added his unwanted opinion, "He's finally interesti-"
I permitted myself a giggle when Cas punched him across the face.
"Well just keep digging."There were some muffled voices on the other end, and then the line disconnected."Sam?"
"Lose reception? Or did he hang up on you?" Metatron teased, soon delighted at the unamused scowl on his face and chuckled, "He hung up on you didn't he?"
Another punch.
"Can I try that?" I asked brightly.
Cas glanced back hesitantly, but then shrugged and gestured the green light.