♡Chapter 7♡

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Nobody's POV

Midoriya helped Aoyama through most of the day, even staying with him during lunch.
Through the day, Midoriya usually found Aoyama looking at him. Piercing indigo eyes staring into deep green ones. Midoriya just ignored it because he was completely oblivious on what was happening with Aoyama. He never knew how far Aoyama would go just to be with him.

The end of the day approached. Aoyama had gotten a lot of missed work done thanks to Midoriya's help.
"Thank you, Midoriya." Mr. Aizawa said to the broccoli haired male as the class started dismissing. He nodded happily. "No problem!" Deku exclaimed. He let a small smile spread across his face as he walked out of the classroom. He made his way out of the school and started walking towards the dorms. Everyone was grouped a bit in front of him, so he walked alone. But he didn't mind it.

   Rustle rustle

Midoriya turned to the sound of rustling coming from a large bush. He walked closer towards it and used his hands to open the bush's branches. Suddenly, a familiar blonde haired girl burst through the leaves and pinned him down in a quick movement.
   "Hi Izuku!!" Toga exclaimed as she pushed her body against Midoriya's. "I was bored with Tomura and Dabi so I came to play!!" She explained as she reached into her pocket and grabbed a knife. Midoriya was completely restrained by Toga and it didn't help that he was exhausted from working with Aoyama all day, so he couldn't use all his strength to get up, so he sat and waited for the knife to pierce through him.
   Right before the blade hit him, Midoriya felt the weight of Toga get thrown off him. He opened his eyes to see Uraraka who was holding the blonde on the ground next to him. He got up immediately. "Thank you so much Uraraka!!" Midoriya couldn't help but blush. She was such a great friend. Uraraka had knocked the knife out of Toga's hand and had pinned her to the ground using the knowledge she had gained at her internship a while back. "Gunhead Martial Arts!" The brunette yelled. Toga looked defeated. Midoriya called the police but Toga had gotten away after Uraraka accidentally let go of her hold on the blonde.

Midoriya's POV

   Disappointingly, Toga had gotten away when Uraraka accidentally let go of her. She apologized a lot and I said it wasn't that big of a deal because Toga hadn't harmed me at all.
   Once we had made it to the dorms finally, everyone had been so worried. Iida ran up to me. "We heard what happened! You should've been more careful!" Iida yelled as he made his usual hand movements. I nodded. "I know" Uraraka chimed in. "But luckily i saved him! Especially with all the exhaustion he had from helping Aoyama today!" She said cheerfully. "Good job Ochako, ribbit." Tsuyu said.
Everyone, now relived, started to walk back to their dorm rooms. But I started to get a feeling that someone was watching me. Eyes burning into my back.

Nobody's POV
Aoyama's eyes were filled with rage. "How dare Uraraka touch Midoriya. I could have saved him. I could have stopped Toga." He thought. He tried to restrain himself, but he could feel anger boiling up inside him. His face started turning red, out of jealousy and anger. He could almost feel the blade of his knife against Uraraka's fragile skin. "He's mine and mine only..." Midoriya turned around and looked at Aoyama who standing was a few meters away. "You coming?" Midoriya asked.
His face turned back to its normal color, and his tense body loosened. He started to calm down at the sight of Deku.
"Ouí. I'll catch up." Aoyama replied. Deku nodded and continued walking away with Iida and Uraraka. The blonde took deep breaths in and out.
"Stay away Uraraka...or else." He muttered to himself.

Uraraka was safe,
for now...

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