♡Chapter 14♡

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Aizawa's POV

"I think Uraraka's been kidnapped!"

   "What are you talking about Midoriya?" I asked in a loud tone. Suddenly, Iida and Asui ran in behind him, panting. I stood up and got out of my sleeping bag. "Is this some sort of sick prank?" I asked, louder.
   Iida calmed down and spoke up. "No, it's not sadly. We have evidence that she's been taken." Asui nodded in response. I narrowed my eyes. The other students started walking in. Once everyone sat down, I had noticed everyone's worried expressions, except Bakugo,  he looked done.
   "Explain. Now." Voices erupted from the students immediately, words getting mixed in with others. I activated my quirk, which raised my hair and scarf, shutting the class up quickly. "One at a time. Midoriya." I said, turning my quirk off. The mentioned student stood up.
   "Uraraka hasn't been answering anyone's texts or calls, and she hasn't been showing up in class either. We're almost sure she didn't go on vacation or anything, because she most likely would have notified one of us." He stopped as Asui raised her hand.
"Asui." I said, notifying her that she could speak.
"Me and the rest of the girls had went to go check Ochako's dorm last night too. It was unlocked, so we went in and she wasn't there." I nodded slowly. I really think my students were overreacting, but there was always the small chance they were right. I sighed.
"If you all really think she got kidnapped, then I'll notify principal Nezu. But let's wait until tomorrow to give her one more day to see if she comes in." I explained. Everyone seemed a bit satisfied with that answer, and the day continued.

   ~time skip to the next day because me and my co-author are lazy~

Still Aizawa's POV

   It was the beginning of the next day. Instead of getting in my sleeping bag, i waited for all my students to enter the classroom, especially Uraraka, who never had come in by the time class started.
   Time passed quickly, and the missing student had never walked through the door. Everyone was getting more worried by the hour. Once it was lunchtime, all my students left the classroom to go to the cafeteria. This gave me time to go and talk to Nezu.
   I made my way quickly to his office. Once I stepped in, his chair turned, and he looked at me as I got closer to his desk.
   "What seems to be the problem Eraserhead?" He asked. I put a paper on his desk, which had Uraraka's info on it.
   "One of my students seemed to have gone missing. No one in my class had seen or heard from her for the past few days." I explained quickly. Nezu took the paper and looked at it. A few moments had passed when he spoke again.
   "Ochako Uraraka." He looked up at me. "If you are very sure that she has gone missing, we could contact the police, as well as her parents." I nodded in response.
   "When can you have that done by?" I asked. He looks at a clock on his desk.
   "I could call the police and file a missing person report right now. The cops will most likely notify her parents and ask if they have seen her." I agreed quickly with that.

   Once we had worked it all out and he had called the police, I made my way back to the classroom. Lunch hadn't ended yet so I took this time to do actual teacher work.
   Soon , my students came back from lunch. Once they had all sat down, I decided to tell them what me and Nezu had worked out.
"I told Principal Nezu about your accusations, and he has filed a missing person report, and the police most likely would ask her parents if they had seen her." Everyone sighed in relief. I explained some other details, and we continued class.

   First A/N in a while, but I just want to say that this book will be ending in a few chapters.
   But luckily, me and my co-author/editor are planning on making another book, a sequel to this one. Yay!
   Ok bye!

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