♡Chapter 16♡

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Uraraka's POV

   I was awoken from steps coming down the stairs. I had fallen asleep quickly last night after Aoyama almost sliced my arm off with a butcher knife, but I stopped him. A few seconds later, Aoyama came through with his usual emotionless stare. We were both silent as he approached me. Soon, he spoke:
"Uraraka, I'm setting you free. Go to the bathroom and clean up your scratches." My hopes immediately skyrocketed. Would he finally let me go and confess to what he's done?
Aoyama came over and started untying me. He continued talking. "I'm making up a fake story
about how I rescued you, so that no one with find out what I've done. Also, so Izu-kun won't get mad at me." My heart and jaw dropped. Why did I actually think he would confess?
I stayed silent so I wouldn't anger him. As soon as I was untied, I stood up and made my way slowly to the bathroom. Once I got in, I started to wash off the dried blood on my arms and legs. I splashed myself in the face with some of the cold sink water, and took a towel to the side of me and dried of my face. I took a look at myself in the mirror, and thoughts started running through my mind.
Should I tell someone what's happened to me? If so, who? Would Aoyama hurt me if he found out I told anyone? Is he gonna turn me into the police or pro hero's? Would the adults ask me questions? Should I answer them?
I shook my head. Those questions are for later. I exited the bathroom, feeling refreshed but nervous. Aoyama was standing on the other side of the door, waiting for me. He looked at me, and spoke:
"You will not tell anyone what I have done to you. If you do say anything to anyone, your parents will be at risk." He explained with an unusual deep voice. My eyes widened. Would he really go as far as to hurt my parents? Aoyama grabbed my wrist and started pulling me up the stairs to leave the basement. I noticed a rope in his other hand. I raised an eyebrow but I didn't think of it much. Once we reached the main floor, I saw the luxury of this mansion, his family had to be rich. I got a bit jealous but stayed silent. He dragged me out of the doors and through the beautiful silver front gate of his house. He stopped walking suddenly, and he turned to me.
"This is your last warning Uraraka. You don't tell anyone, or else there will be consequences. And don't even think about getting close to Midoriya." I was still shocked by this whole experience, so i just nodded and kept quiet, and he kept dragging me.

Midoriya's POV

   The police had taken a few of us class 1a students away on our free period to search for Uraraka. Today, they chose me, Shoji, Yaoyorozu and Asui. Some police officers we're with us also. I was so unbelievably nervous and scared. What if Uraraka never came back, or we never found her? I was pacing all around the U.A. campus and boundaries, looking everywhere and asking my other friends on patrol with me if they had found any evidence of her. I could tell everyone was getting fed-up with me and my questions, so I stopped asking after a bit.
   After 30 minutes of searching, everyone was about to go back inside, when suddenly, Shoji shouted towards us.
   "I hear two pairs of footsteps!" Everyone's attention went towards him, because he could hear better than we could with his quirk. Soon, we started hearing the footsteps too, and we looked towards the entrance gate to U.A, and saw two familiar people run through.

   "I found her, I found her!"

   Aoyama had Uraraka's wrist in hand as he ran towards us with teary eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I was frozen for a second before running up to the pair.
   "URARAKA YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" I yelled as tears started gushing out of my eyes. I tried to get close to her and hug her, but she backed up quickly. At this point, the police had made their way over to us. They saw Uraraka and pulled out a walkie-talkie and said something into it before running up to her and started blasting her with questions along the lines of "Where were you?" and "Are you hurt?" She didn't answer any of them. Soon enough, some pro-hero's ran out of the school including Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic, Recovery Girl and Midnight. They made their way over to our group. Soon, the police started asking Aoyama questions.
   "Where did you find her?"
Aoyama wiped a tear from his eye.
   "I heard that Uraraka had gone missing, and since I was at home for family business, I decided to look around. I had found her tied up to a traffic barrier on the side of the road."
   He lifted up a rope.
   "This was the rope she was tied too. I was so shocked so I quickly made my way over and untied her, then I brought her here..." Aoyama finished explaining. The officer nodded, then turned back to Uraraka.
   "Is this true?" He asked. The brunette just nodded. More questions were asked, and again, Uraraka didn't answer any of them. I was just standing in the back with tear after tear running down my cheek. I could tell Mr. Aizawa was angry about all the questions being asked about what happened, so he walked behind Uraraka and looked the officer in the eyes.
   "If she doesn't want to answer, them she doesn't have to answer. You guys can continue later. Remember, she just returned from being kidnapped and hurt." The police narrowed his eyes, but agreed to what he said and backed away from Uraraka. Most of my class had made it outside by now, and we were all desperate take her back. Principle Nezu had also come out, and he gathered up our class to say something.
   "Since Uraraka here has just been found after a week of her being missing, we are having her parents come pick her up. She will stay the night with them, and then they will decide if they want her back at U.A." Me and the class seemed a bit satisfied with that, and we were all happy she was back. After Nezu left to talk with Mr. Aizawa and the police, I turned to Aoyama, who was standing behind me.
   "So you found Uraraka?" The class had turned to him after I asked the question. I guess I was loud by accident. The blonde's face turned a bit pink, as he nodded. My expression brightened and my tears dried. "Wow Aoyama, You're a great hero!" I yelled with a genuine smile spread across my red cheeks. I could hear clapping rise up from the class. Aoyama's face turned red out of embarrassment, but he was still able to stutter out a quiet 'Mercì'.
Soon enough, Uraraka's parents arrived and picked her up. I tried to get close to her and say goodbye but she just backed away from me with a scared face. That made me feel worried and sad. Aoyama came up behind me and set a hand on my shoulder.
"I don't know why she's acting weird, she was like that when I tried to untie her also." I sighed.
"It's probably because of what she's been through." I said. The thoughts flashed through my head on what her kidnapper might have done to her. I never got a good look at her because she wouldn't let me close, but I think Recovery Girl had heeled whatever scratches she had. My tears started up again. Aoyama seemed to notice because he took my arm, turned me around and pulled me into a warm embrace. I lay my head on his shoulder and let my tears flow. He pat my back and ruffled my hair. A few minutes passed and Mr. Aizawa decided we should have the rest of the day off, so he walked us back to our dorms, Aoyama standing close to me the whole way back.

-time skip too the next day-

   I had barely gotten any sleep. I stayed up most the night thinking about Uraraka. Hopefully her parents allow her to come back to school today. Mr. Aizawa also decided that we would have this day off.
I made my way down to the common area of the dorm building, and saw most of my other classmates there too, sitting in complete silence. Asui, Iida, Todoroki and Aoyama we're sitting at a table, and Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero, Kaminari and Mina we're sitting on the couch. I walked towards the table, and sat on the one empty chair. Everyone sitting there turned to me and smiled, except Todoroki. We were all silent for what felt like forever. Mr. Aizawa has come out at some point, but no one really noticed until he cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention quickly. He spoke, breaking the silence.
"Uraraka's parents have decided that she can come back to U.A, she'll be arriving any time now." He explained with his monotone voice. Everyone quietly cheered for a few moments before it became quiet again.
About 10 minutes passed when we heard a knock on the door. Everyone turned immediately as our teacher opened the door, and Uraraka walked in. Immediately, most everyone got up and yelled a greeting towards her. She seemed kind of nervous still, but she walked towards us. Asui and Mina seemed the most excited because they had run up to her and started talking to her a lot. Uraraka looked to have whispered something to Asui, because the two started walking away in the direction of the bathrooms.

Uraraka's POV

I leaned in, close to Tsu's right side and whispered for her to follow me real quick. She nodded, and we walked towards the bathrooms.
We went into the largest stall and stood on opposite sides of each other, leaning against the walls. I took a deep breath.

"Tsu, I need to tell you something..."

AHAHAH! Cliffhanger!!!
This is the last chapter of this book, and I will tell you what happens in the Sequel to this that I will write soon. It will be called "The Truth."
That's all the info I'm giving on it right now, so I hope you enjoyed this book, and I hope you are ready for the sequel!

Edit: the sequel is now out!

   Thank you for reading!

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