Chapter 12

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Between Heaven and Hell

Copyright © 2012 by Carla Meyer

All Rights Reserved




Neither of them could deny the chemistry between them once they broke apart from the kiss. It literally felt as though sparks of electricity was dancing between them. Meredith and Joey’s breathing was jagged, and as they stared into one another’s eyes, they knew there was no denying the truth. They didn’t have to say it aloud though, because both Meredith and Joey knew there was no turning back, no living without the other anymore. But it frightened them of what might happen, because Meredith was an Angel after all, and Joey, well no one exactly knew what Joey was anymore, but they knew he was the contrary of an Angel. They were exactly right for one another, but also, unerringly wrong.

They didn’t speak as they stood staring into one another’s eyes. Meredith had rested her palms on Joey’s bare chest again, and he was staring at Meredith longingly with his hands firmly placed around her waist. But their hearts soon settled down to its normal, abnormal, beating, and only then could they make sense of what had happened between them.

“Does it feel right Joey? Do you think this is right?”

Joey swallowed harshly as he let go of Meredith and went to sit on the edge of his bed. He had his head placed in his hands, and grunted with frustration. He knew the Archangels were not going to allow this, and Joey was absolutely certain Lucifer wasn’t going to either.

“It feels right to me,” he said and then lifted his head to look at Meredith, “but I don’t think they believe that it’s right.”

“Of course they don’t,” said Meredith and sat down on the ground where she stood.

At once, Joey joined Meredith on the ground. He sat behind her with his legs on either side of her hips, and edged her backward so that she was lying on his chest. Joey wrapped both of his arms around her, and rested his chin in her neck, and inhaled the sweet scent her skin had to it. They sat in silence for quite some time, neither of them knowing what they ought to do. Everything seemed even more confusing now that Joey had kissed Meredith and she had welcomed it. They were more afraid than ever before, and neither of them knew what to do.

“How did life become so complicated?” asked Joey, his shoulders sagging as he snuggled up more closely to Meredith, “I mean, one moment I’m on my way to the beach with my family, and the next I end up in Hell. How did I even end up in Hell?”

“You weren’t bad in your prior life, were you Joey?” asked Meredith, tilting her head upward to look at Joey, “I mean, I know you’re not bad, but—,”

“No,” he said, allowing the excess amount of air in his lungs to escape, “I devoted my life to God. My father was a preacher, and I had grown up as a Christian. I had lived my life accordingly, just as any other true Christian. But I died, and somehow ended up being the son of Lucifer.”

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