Chapter 16

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Between Heaven and Hell

Copyright © 2012 by Carla Meyer

All Rights Reserved





Meredith helped Joey back to the little white house, supporting him around the waist, cautious not to touch the wound the sword had left behind, and Joey had his arm slugged over her neck. A great deal of blood was gushing out of the wound, and Joey was starting to feel faint. He had told Meredith that he needed to get to a hospital, but she assured him that she knew how to take care of him.

Joey watched as Meredith’s Wings enclosed on her back, and crept beneath the surface of her skin. To him, this seemed like a painful procedure but he could trace no sign of discomfort on Meredith’s face. She smiled beautifully at him, and watched him with her cerise eyes. It was going to take Joey a lot of getting used to, but at least her smile hadn’t changed. Joey realized then that she was still Meredith, even though she carried colossal white and cerise tipped Wings on her back, even though she had eyes highlighting the colour of cerise, even though she had an Aura that blinded Joey without delay, she was still Meredith.

“Lie down,” she ordered, placing Joey in a seating position on the bed. She moved quickly around the house, gathering disinfectant and gauze.

“What happened out there?” asked Joey as he watched Meredith open the disinfectant and drown the gauze in it. The smell burned Joey’s nose, and he had to fight the urge to throw up.

“A lot,” she said and tore Joey’s shirt from his body. “But we need to get you healed before I tell you.”

Meredith revealed a silver dagger from her lap, and as Joey watched, she sliced through the thin layer of skin at her arm, causing a stream of blood to gush out of the wound. Joey gasped at the sight, but Meredith merely smiled and held her bleeding arm toward Joey.

“I know this seems out of the ordinary, but you have to drink this,” she said, bringing the bloody arm closer to Joey’s face. Joey pulled himself away from the blood and for a moment, he forgot about his own wound in his side. He let a painful moan flee his lips. “Joey, you need to drink this.”

“No,” he said, pressing his lips tightly together, “I’m no vampire freak; I’m not going to drink your blood Meredith.” Meredith let out a frustrated sigh and pressed Joey’s shirt against his wound.

“You’re making this exceptionally difficult Joey. Don’t you trust me?” she asked, her eyes fixed on his.

“Of course I trust you Meredith, but what does that have to do with drinking your blood?” he asked, sceptically raising his brow.

Meredith let out a deep sigh of frustration and turned her back on Joey. He edged closer to her to listen to what she ought to have said, but instead, Meredith spun around at lightning speed and pressed her bleeding arm to Joey’s mouth. Before Joey could protest, a vast amount of blood slipped into his mouth and in the attempt to gasp for air, he gulped down the blood. His grey orbs were wide with anxiety and he searched for Meredith’s face. She didn’t meet Joey’s gaze though, instead, she made her hand into a fist pulsing more blood into Joey’s mouth.

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