Chapter 14

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Between Heaven and Hell

Copyright © 2012 by Carla Meyer

All Rights Reserved





Meredith lay on the ground, her Wings stretching out from beneath her, her eccentric new eyes glued to Joey’s face, yet her body was still immobile, and she couldn’t find the strength within her to speak, to move, to... do anything. Joey was shaken out of his boots as he watched the new eyes of Meredith watching him. He vaguely thought if Meredith had felt the same way when he had watched her with his Demon Eyes, watched her through the eyes of the son of Lucifer, but the thought didn’t last long, and without hesitation, Joey was at her side, holding her quivering palm against his cheek.

“Meredith, are you alright?”

Her new eyes, her Guardian Angel Eyes, were wide with marvel as she looked Joey over. For the first time, she truly saw Joey. He resembled an Angel more than she ever could; he guarded her with his life, better than she could ever imagine she would. He was much better at being a Guardian than she was, yet here she laid, Meredith, the Guardian Angel to the son of Lucifer, unable to move a limb, unable to guard her human.

How did I even become a Guardian Angel, she thought to herself.

But Meredith knew, in order to find answers to her questions, in order to gain knowledge on being a Guardian Angel, she needed to find her Halo. But before she went on a search for her Halo, Meredith knew she had to regain control over her body first. So instead of staring, in awe, at Joey, she closed her eyes and searched within herself for strength. Her Aura had seemed to be able to guide her, the same way her Wings was supposed to, and she hoped that it would give her the strength she needed as well.

The darkness behind her eyelids soon turned cerise, and Meredith knew she had found her Aura within, again. She let it guide her towards her inner strength; she gave herself over to the Angelic Powers her Aura seemed to enclose. It was painful, possessing so much power, yet unable to control it, unable to release it when she needed it the most. But Meredith felt something stir within her, and before long, she felt her newly attached Wings spread and her Aura pull her out of her paralysis.

Joey stumbled backwards and landed on his behind as he watched Meredith’s Wings cover the area above them. He had to cover his eyes with his hand, because once the illuminating light of white and cerise of her Aura expanded from her, it hurt his eyes. He felt vulnerable not being able to see, somehow frightened that Meredith would attack, but as Meredith gained balance on her own two feet, she sucked her Aura back in and Joey was able to open his eyes.

“Meredith, what happened to you?” he asked, taking in the Angelic visage of the girl he thought he knew.

She seemed more alien, more like a stranger than she had the first time he had found her. She wasn’t the Meredith he had come to fall in love with, and it wasn’t only the new weird eyes, or the mammoth of Angel Wings that was attached to her shoulder blades that made her unknown, no; Meredith carried a new expression on her face, one of thrill and excitement, one of power far beyond Joey’s comprehension.

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