Chapter one

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*this story will always be set in Ethan's POV so enjoy💕*

The bows line Creaked as I pulled it back, holding my breath to steady it more I pulled it back a little more and let go, the arrow flung from the bow and shot right into the head of an infected
"Hell yeah" I said quietly to myself sneaking around the fallen tree to make sure there were no more infected around, once the coast was clear I stood up and jogged through the area to the tree house where I was staying I climbed the tree because their was no ladder to make sure no bandits could get up easily

I knocked twice then yelled
"It's Ethan" not to long after the door opened to reveal Tyler, when the world went to shit he was the only person I found
I have no clue if any of our other friends are alive but I don't think about that too much anymore

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house
"Hey, how'd it go?" He asked sitting back down on a crate in the corner where he continued to sharpen a knife
"It went alright, a few stragglers but other than that nothing else" I explained taking off my backpack and sitting on the small table that was sat right in front of a window
The tree house was small but had sorta tall walls
"No scales?" He asked holding the knife up to see his reflection in it
"Nope, haven't seen any in a while" I admitted swinging my legs back and forth while letting out a sigh

"How ya holding up?" Tyler asked stopping what he was doing to look at me
"As good as I can be" I said looking up at him while nodding my head
"Alright" He said Quietly
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked standing up and grabbing a ripped up and bloodstained map out of my back pack, laying it out across the table

Tyler stood up and walked over to stand right next to me
"You see this mall?" He asked pointing to a large building
"Tomorrow we go their, clear the place then-" all of a sudden their was a gun shot heard I fell to the ground and looked out the window
"Shit!" I yelled ducking under the table and scurrying to my backpack, I pulled out my pistol and stood back up, taking a second to aim then shooting at the person after they peeked out from behind a tree.

I brought my gun down while breathing heavily
"Those Scaly fuckers!" I yelled stepping back and laughing slightly
"You alright ty-" I looked over to see Tyler laying on the ground holding his chest, blood pouring out from between his fingers
"Tyler!" I yelled throwing my gun down and racing to his side, I tore off my jacket and pushed it again his wound that was still spilling blood
"Shit shit shit! It's gonna be alright Tyler stay with me" I tried to reassure Tyler but also was trying to reassure myself, a little bit of blood starting pouring out of his mouth and I wiped it with my thumb
"How are you feeling? Can you talk" I asked still freaking out
"I feel liked I just got shot" Tyler rasped out laughing slightly but ending up coughing
"Thanks smartass" I laughed slightly too.

I set him up a bed by putting both of our sleeping bags in an area rolling up the extra blanket as a pillow, I laid him down and looked out the window
"The sun is still out" I mumbled
"I'll be right back Tyler stay with me" I said to him putting on my backpack and heading to the door, I got no response back, I bit my lip and made my way out of the tree house.

First chapter to a new story, hope u like it already
The last of us 2 just came out and I thought I would make a game about zombies.Enjoy.

Luv ya💕


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