Chapter nine

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"Clear the area!" A voice yelled from outside the gas station

I peered out over the front counter and examined the situation, there was a truck that had no roof, it was all geared up for the apocalypse, there was an infected chained to the front of it and there was a guy standing in the middle holding a gun
On the side of it there was the letters S.L.S
I bent back down and groaned

"Fucking Scales!" I whisper yelled holding my gun up and peeked around the side seeing at least six of them searching the place

"Scales?" Mark asked leaning forward to see my face

"This group of fucked up assholes who kill just for fun, there idiots but there's a lot of them which make them deadly" I explained balling my fists, images of Tyler flashed through my mind "we don't stand a chance" I added on more quietly

I saw Mark shake his head, he reached down and grabbed my hand holding it tightly I looked over at him and he looked at me

"We'll make it Ethan..I promise" he reassured me smiling, I nodded and smiled back

"I trust you" I told him gripping his hand back

Suddenly there was a gunshot at the counter we were at, it barely grazed the counter top picking up some wood on the way past

"There's someone behind that counter!" One of the Scales yelled suddenly one of them came around the corner of the counter grabbing Mark and dragging him out
He struggled against them and I lunged forward only to be dragged backwards by another, I fought against them when there arm came near my face I took that time to sink my teeth into there skin

"Motherfucker!" He yelled, I kicked him in the leg causing him to fall I spun around and shot him, I spun back around to see Mark struggling as the guy held him down another one with a gun walked over and pointed it at Mark I was about to rush forward when one of the Scales shouted

"Infected!" I looked outside to see a hoard of infected rushing towards us

The girl who held the gun to Mark was tackled by an infected, causing the guy who held Mark down to jump up and try helping her, Mark got up and stumbled towards me holding his throat

"We need our stuff" he said in a raspy rushed voice glancing towards the fight of Scales and infected

"I'll get it, you go get that truck and meet me around back " I told him pointing at the Scales truck and walking backwards towards the room

"Okay, be careful" he warned I nodded and ran to the room, him rushing towards the side door

Once I made it to the room I began shoving my items back into my bag, I zipped it up and I sat it next to Marks and began fastening everything in tightly to be sure nothing fell out
I was about to sling one of the bags over my shoulder when I was throw to the ground I tried to get up when I was punched in the face, I brought my hand up to my face when I felt a grip on my throat

I opened my eyes to be met with one of the Scales, he brought his knife up and plummeted it into my stomach
I cringed in pain and kicked my leg up right into his crotch he sat up and I kicked him again so he fell down

I tried getting up but slipped on my own blood finally getting up I looked down, seeing the knife still in me but I didn't have time to take it out
I grabbed Marks bag and my own slinging each one over a shoulder, I stumbled out of the room holding my wound, the knife poking out between my fingers

I somehow made it to the back door without any trouble, I pushed it open stumbling out seeing Mark sitting in the truck waiting
I threw our bags into the open trunk and got in beside Mark he looked over at me noticing the knife embedded in my stomach

"Oh my god Ethan are you okay?" He asked his voice full of concern

"Just drive" I coughed out he nodded and stepped on the gas speeding away from the mess of gunshots and screams

"Stay with me Ethan" I heard Marks voice so faint and in the distance as I struggled to stay conscious I felt his hand on my thigh as he continued talking to me

"Ethan?" He spoke loudly echoing around me, my vision went spotty and I felt myself slip away


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