Chapter Ten

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I heard low mumbles that sounded very distant and echoed I could feel my eyes open but I could only see spotty light areas, finally the voices started to become audible and I my vision was clearing

"Go to hell assholes!" I heard a low voice yell as a loud crash rang out from behind us

I could feel myself being thrown around in the truck, where we on the road still? Are we being chased? Am I dead? So many thought ran through my head as I fought with myself to come back to reality

Finally I was able to see and hear everything I glanced around in panic, we were still in the truck on some dirt trail the was over grown, I look to my side to see Mark driving with one hand looking behind us with a gun in his other hand, sending shots out left and right

I tried to sit up when I felt a stinging pain in my stomach I looked down to find the knife still embedded in me I groaned in pain and Mark noticed me awake

"It's gonna be okay Eth, I got us" he reassured sending another round of bullets out

I sat up to the best of my ability, grasping the knife that was sticking out of me and took a deep breath
Holding it and beginning to brace myself for the pain I will soon feel
I tightened my grip on the knife and began to pull outwards, an unbearable amount of pain began to wash over me as I clenched my jaw tightly balling my fist and letting out a muffled scream

I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded and my vision began to spot again but I brought myself back and continued to pull the knife out of me
Blood made it's way up my throat and spilled out of my mouth, I used my other hand to wipe it away finally the end of the knife was visible and with one more pull the knife was out

I panted and looked at the knife noticing the familiar carving that read "-love Tyler" on it

"Of-fucking course" I cursed to myself sliding the knife into my holster

I grabbed my wound and held it feeling blood drip out between my fingers and out my mouth I checked Mark and noticed a bullet wound in his back

I had to do something to help

I glanced around the truck for anything to help with the fight, my eyes wandered across the glove box I kicked it open and threw out papers finding a shiny revolver and a pack of Ammo hiding away
I snatched the gun which already had ammo in it too
I sat up and turned back finally able to understand what we were dealing with

Two trucks followed us both had at least six people in them, i shot with as good as aim as I could missing the truck completely, I shot again and again missing each time

"Fucking come on!" I yelled to myself cocking the gun once more and taking a shot, it flew right through the windshield of one of the trucks embedding itself in the drivers forehead, the car swerved and crashed into a tree causing most of the people on it to fly out

The car shook violently as it made its way over a gravel road causing me to fall back into the seat I groaned in pain as a wave of nausea washed over me, I leaned over the side of the car and vomited out blood that stung on it way up, I sat back into my seat exhausted, I looked back over at Mark who was trying to keep us on the road, I noticed one of the tires to the truck was blown away leaving the metal part to drag a crossed the ground
Making it externally difficult to control the truck I assume

I tried to sit up again to take more shots but my blood had lubed up the seat making me slip each time finally I was able to get up again and take shots I missed every single one of them I lined up a shot and pulled the trigger only to be met with a clicking noise I pulled it again the same clicking noise rang out

"Fuck" I mumbled sliding down the seat and trying to reload the gun
The blood on my fingers and the shakiness of my hands made it extremely difficult
After what seemed like ages I was able to get three bullets in I stood up again and aimed, I was about to take a shot when the truck began to swerve, throwing me back into my seat, I winced in pain and heard Mark curse

I tried to focus my eyes on him seeing him trying to correct the steering

"No no no no no" he mumbled out I glanced ahead of us and noticed that the road collapsed into a pool of raging water

"Fuck me" I mumbled to myself as we plummeted down into the icy cold water


Next chapter will be up in a hot minute so stay tuned

Luv ya💕


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