Chapter thirteen

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My eyes opened slowly as I sat up, I felt a slight sting and brought my hand down noticing a bandage around my waist, I didn't have a shirt on or shoes but I had pants on, I glanced around the room noticing my bag and another next to it, then I remembered

"Mark?" I called out my voice rasping from not being used for a while
"How long was I out?" I questioned myself standing up losing my balance slightly as I started feeling dizzy and brought my hand up to my head holding it for a minute before continuing I opened the door to the room I was in and wondered out

"Mark?" I called again making my way to the front door area walking to the bar and looking around, I heard the front door open and my eyes shot to the door, seeing Mark walk in with a jug in his hands, his eyes wandered over to me with a smile on his face

"Oh thank goodness" he sighed out shaking his head slightly

"How long was I out?" I questioned loosing my balance again and catching myself on the counter to the bar, his eyes grew concerned but I put my hand up signaling I was okay

"Three days" he answers, my eyes widened at the new information, i rested my arm on my wound and let out a quiet 'wow' he just nodded his head

"But at least your alive, that's all I care about, anyways watch this" he smirked walking into a room next to the stage

I sat at the bar waiting curiously for whatever he was gonna show me, after a few moments of waiting the lights began to flicker until dim lights brightened up the place, the stage was all lit up with neon lights and music played out quietly

Mark walked out from behind the curtains that led out onto the stage, he stood in the middle of it with his arms out

"What do ya think?" He question motioning with his hands to everything, I sat with my mouth slightly opened in surprise

"How'd you manage this?" I asked sitting like a little kid on the barstool with my hands in between my legs holding the seat and my legs swinging

"They have a generator so I went and Siphoned some cars out for gas and brought it here" he explained crossing his arms, clearly proud of himself
I shook my head and his face fell

"What's wrong?" He asked his arms dropping to his sides "do you not like it?" He added on, I shook my head again

"No no it's great just, I think I need to see a show to get the full experience ya know" I smirked leaning back into the counter, he bit his lip and thought for a bit before replying

"As you wish" he said with a slight smirk on his lips,
He began to unbutton his flannel shirt and took it off throwing it of stage, he then walked up to the poll and grabbed it climbing the pole like he's done it before
I laughed slightly

"Where'd you learn to do that?" I asked in amazement he laughed lowly

"I did it with a friend once as a joke" he explained continuing what he was doing
He slid down the pole and spun around it and jumped up sliding down it so it was in between his legs, he got in front of it and slid down so the poll was behind him, spreading his legs and bouncing slightly

I bit my lip as I observed him get up and spin one more time before stepping away from the pole and bowing
I clapped as he stood back up

"How was that?" He questioned holding his hands behind his back

I thought for a bit before replying
"Mediocre at best" I spoke, as if I could do any better
He scoffed

"Whatever" he crossed his arms and walked over to the edge of the stage jumping off and grabbing his shirt, pulling it on and began buttoning it up he walked back over to me as he finished buttoning his shirt
I was so lost In watching him Button his shirt back up I didn't even hear him start talking until he snapped his finger in front of my face

"I'm sorry what?" I shook my head directing my attention back to his face

"How does it feel?" He asked, my mind went blank as to what he was talking about as I tilted my head
"Your stab wound" he clarified

"Oh yea- uh it hurts a little still" I admitted pressing my hand onto it

"Sit on the bar so I can take a look" he directed I listened and sat up on the counter he walked in between my legs and began to pull on the tape from the bandage, I winced In pain and brought my hand up to his shoulder squeezing it in pain and using my other hand to keep me upright on the counter

He took the bandage completely off and set it on the counter, he pressed the area around it and I hissed in pain he stepped back and sighed

"I don't think it's infected but it's gonna take a bit to heal so we might have to hold out here for a while" he explained "it's probably gonna leave a scar but, don't worry scars are hot" he smirked

"But I don't think you can get any better" He added on as he spun around to go get some more bandages
Leaving me to my thought

I think I'm in love
🎶do do da doo da doo dado doo doo dooo dooooo dooooo dooo da dooooo dooooo doooo doo da dooooo🎶


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