Chapter eleven

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*continuing/finishing Marks flashback as I said I would 😘*

The water around me showed no mercy as it threw me around, I held Chica as tight as I could without harming her, I struggled to keep us above water but it pulled me under and my grip on Chica began to loosen as I shot up out of the water, coughing and breathing heavily I noticed rocks and metal and other stuff poking out of the water in front of us

I grabbed Chica with one arm and used the other to try and swim out of the rocks way, but it was no use as the rock Neared I turned my back to it, holding Chica In front of me so I would take the blow

I hugged her close to me as water filled my lungs I closed my eyes and felt a sharp pain ache through my back, my vision darkened and the sounds of the water slowly faded out leaving me with absolute silence.

I felt a cold sensation around my body and pain rang through me, I struggled to open my eyes when I heard distant whines, I opened my eyes seeing sand and rocks

I pushed myself up on my arms and looked around there was sand that led up to the woods I noticed a sign that read

No Unsupervised Children under the age of 16

Which means I was On a beach after a while small whines broke my focus and brought me back to reality
I looked over to where the noise was coming from to find a ball of blonde laying in the sand

I pulled myself up and rushed over to her crouching down next to her

"Hey Chica, girl it's me don't worry" I whispered shushing her whines and sitting next to her, running my hand through her water and blood soaked fur
Her whines became more airy and almost were silent, a small tear rolled down my cheek as I recalled all the good times with her

"You were such a good girl Chica, the best girl" I assured her, scratching behind her ears

Her eyes began dull as they struggled to stay open her breathing became shallow as he whines subsided

"Shhh it's okay girl, it's okay" I whispered loud enough so she could hear me

Her breath only became shallower and shallower

I knew and so did she but we just savored our last moments together

"I love you" I cooed smiling down at her
Her tail weakly thumped against the ground
My lip quivered as he tail slowly stopped moving and so did her breathing

Her eyes closed as I kept petting her, a small sob escaped my lips and I hung my head bringing my hand up wipe away the tears

I pulled her limp body into me, embracing her tightly and scratching her fur still, I buried my face into her fur and sobbed softly into it

"You were the best girl I could ever ask for, the best" I told her in between sniffles, I lifted her up and walked into the woods

I used one of the plastic sand shovels I found and dug a hole
Once I was done I walked over to Chica, petting her again and smiling softly, I unhooked her collar and shoved it into my pants pocket, lifting her up and placing her in the grave, throwing the dirt over top of her and patting it down

Once I finished I stood over it a sad smile spread across my face, a single tear dripped down my cheek as I took in a shaky breath

"Goodbye girl...I love you" I told her pausing for a moment before walking away into the woods

😔 I'm sorry
That was sad


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