Chapter twenty-two

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I pushed open the doors and walked out, seeing the group from the campfire minus Katelyn, standing near the gate to leave
I ran over to them and was greeted by everyone

"Where's Mark?" Avery questioned looking around
I just shrugged my shoulders

We were waiting for Mark when the one I knew as Dakota walked over to me he was quite tall and had black hair he reminded me of Tyler

"Hey Hot stuff, we never really got to meet I'm Dakota" his voice was friendly and inviting, I smiled at the compliment and shook his extended hand, he began talking to me

"So where's Mark? You guys are like inseparable" he spoke with a smile, I shook my head and looked towards the door to the building

"He's being a dick" I told him looking back towards everyone else, he nodded

"What'd he do?" He asked leaning on the side of the building

"He treats me like a fucking kid, like I can't take care of myself, it pisses me off" I explained feeling the same anger I had from the fight building up again

"Well...I think he doesn't know what he's talking about, I think your stronger than any of us here, even Mark, you walked around for who knows how long with an infected knife wound, a broken ankle, and fucked up fingers, he's crazy" he confirmed wrapping his arm around my shoulders

I smiled and leaned into him slightly, we pulled away when the doors to the building opened and Mark walked out

"Mark! Nice of you to join us, you ready to go?" Avery spoke, he nodded and stood next to Grey who started whispering to him, we all walked out the gate and into the town

"So where'd you say this horde was Bird?" Avery called from the front of the group but before Bird could answer there were multiple squeals from
Behind us
We all turned quickly to see a group of infected, a lot of them a lot more than a 'small horde'

"Oh there they are, be careful everyone only use a gun if necessary" Avery informed pulling out a machete, everyone else pulled out there weapons and got ready

I pulled my knife out and readied myself, I looked over at Mark who was all the way on the other side of the group he had a devilish smirk on his face as he stared at the infected running towards us, I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Hey, you got this" Dakota assured me with a smile, I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and scoffed playfully

"I know" I spoke over confident with a smile he laughed slightly and we concentrated back on the infected

Avery was the first to bolt forward towards them and we all followed her lead, I connected my knife with the head of an infected, pushing it out of my way and quickly pulling my knife out of its head,
I turned to my side and kicked the leg of another infected causing it to fall I used that time to turn and get another infected, i noticed a lot of them surrounding me so i went to get away from them when I felt something get caught on my boot

I fell to the ground and tried to get back up but my foot was still stuck, I sat up and looked down at my foot, there was a tree root holding my foot down and some sort of wire was wrapped around it

I began to tug on the wire but it just cut into my hand causing me to pull away quickly, I glanced up to see three infected rushing towards me
I gripped onto the wire again and tugged, feeling it tearing into my hand but continuing to pull on it

When the wire didn't budge and the infected were closing in I snatched my gun out of my waistband and cocked it, I was about to shoot when a voice rang out

"Over here fuckers!" The infected turned their attention behind them where Mark stood with a bloody axe raised, he swung at one and the axe embedded itself in the infected's skull, he yanked the axe out and kicked the legs of the other infected, causing it to fall and he plunged the axe into its skull as well

He struggled to yank the axe out of the infected's as the last one neared his back, the last infected's fingers grazed Mark's back when he finally got the axe out of the other infected, he swung the axe around and it embedded into its neck
He pulled it out quickly and slammed it into its skull, he pulled the axe out of the infected's head and lowered the axe, breathing heavily as he stumbled slightly

He walked over to me and swung his axe down, breaking the wire and the tree root
I moved my foot towards myself and Mark extended his hand, i hesitated for a second before taking it and he pulled me up onto me feet

"What happened to 'I don't need any help?" He asked leaning on the axe handle with a smirk, the last of the infected were put down and everyone was making sure everyone was okay

"I didn't need your help, I had it under control" I spoke confidently, crossing my arms

"Sure" He spoke stretching out the word with a slow nod

I flashed him an innocent smile and he cocked his eyebrow before I kicked the axe causing him to fall to the ground, laughs escaped my mouth and I threw my hand over my mouth to suppress my laughs slightly

Mark groaned and sat up rubbing his head and stood up quickly and then ran towards me

"Oh shit" I laughed out turning and running away from him towards the group, I glanced behind me to find his still in full pursuit, more laughs escaped my lips as I rushed through the group

I pushed past Dakota and he smiled at me with a confused look, he looked at what I was running from and his smile dropped
We were about to continue when Avery's voice rang out

"Everyone quiet down please we're heading back, don't wanna attract unwanted attention" she explained, everyone nodded and I looked back at Mark, putting my middle finger up and blowing a kiss with it he just rolled his eyes.


I have to pee

Inspirational words from me 💕


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