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𝙹𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚢 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝙽𝙹 📍


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Sighing, I put my car into park once I seen my apartment building. It was dingy and ugly, but nonetheless it was mine.

I looked back at Phats and noticed she was fast asleep in her car seat, mouth wide open just like her dad.

Boy did I miss her dad.

Picking Phats up, I carried her towards the building, thank God we had an apartment on the first floor, so moving my stuff in wouldn't be so difficult.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and just took in my surroundings, there was tan carpet throughout the whole apartment, except for in the kitchen and bathroom. I had stainless steel appliances, and boring white walls; that I would soon decorate.

I walked into my bedroom, noticing the walk in closet first. The bathroom was in the middle then there was a spare room, which would be Phats room until my unborn was here.

I pray he or she makes it, I've experienced one too many miscarriages.

I placed Phats blanket in the middle of her room and laid her on her stomach. I kissed her forehead, then got up and left her bedroom cracked.

I needed to get these boxes in, furniture would be here tomorrow.

As I made my way to the car, an all black Charger sped past me, making me jump back.

Bitch ass dude almost ran into me.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded across the street, I needed to head to the office later so I could get my parking pass.

As I was grabbing boxes, my phone rang. I looked down and smiled once I seen Lotus's name flash across my screen.

"LOLO!" I yelled into the phone as I made my way across the street.

"Wassup sus, did you make it to Jersey safely?" She questioned me as I slid a box inside my apartment.

"Yeah, I went and seen Namir too. He was happy about the baby, but sad because he might not be home to see him or her," I frowned.

"I'm praying for you and him sis, hoping Z gets to come home soon too - but our system loves putting our black men behind bars whether they're guilty or not," she preached, shaking her head.

"You ain't neva lied, look I'm finna get the rest of these boxes in the house- you and Sani still coming out here next week?"

"Yes ma'am, need to come see my baby Phats!" She smiled, "be safe and I love you sis."

"I love you more Lo."

I smiled to myself, Lo and Sani were new friends but I loved them like I knew them for years.

My phone vibrated a few times and I smiled, seeing messages from Kam, Xar, Toosie and my grandma.

Even Jessiah reached out to me, wishing me well.

I'm gon miss my dysfunctional ass family.

"You need some help?" I popped my head up at the unfamiliar voice.

I scrunched up my face, seeing a light skin boy wearing all black, propped up on the same black Charger that almost ran my ass over.

"From you, no

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"From you, no." I mugged him and rolled my eyes hard before dropping another box inside the house.

He smacked his lips, "come on jit.. let me help you out. Its hot out here and you got a lot of boxes."

Jit? He probably from Florida and the last Florida nigga I ran into ruined my life.

I'm good.

"Thanks but no thanks." I waved ole dude off and continued to do my thing.

Fuck his ass doing in Jersey anyway?

He completely ignored me and went to my truck and started taking out boxes.

"You must be hard at hearing," I commented, placing the kitchen box in the kitchen.

"I heard you, but when someone offers to help you, you accept the help," he replied, as he headed back out to my truck.

I scoffed, "heard you."


"What brings you to my city mama?"

Once Keyon and I finished bringing my stuff and unpacking, baby girl woke up and invited him to stay. Pretty sure she thought he was cute cause she keeps trynna get his attention.

"KEY LOOK!" She yelled, as she jumped around.

"I see you big girl!" He smiled at her then averted his attention back to me.

"Baby girl and I just needed a fresh start," I kept it short and sweet, my past isn't something I wanna talk about right now.. trynna leave all that behind.

"I'm a take yall all around the city, where you from originally?"

"Philly, and you?"

"Florida, I come out and visit my mama from time to time and I grew accustomed to the city, so I can definitely show you and Miracle around."

I smiled to myself, "we would like that, right Phats?"

She smiled cheerfully.

"Yay!" She yelled, clapping.

"Uh thank you again for helping me out."

We both stood to our feet, I took his cup out of his hand and placed it into the sink.

"Nice meeting you Lundyn, I'll see you around." He smiled his pretty smile at me.

"Bye Miracle."

She cheesed hard, "bye!"

I picked her up and followed Keyon out.

"See you," I waved.

He waved back at me and made his way across the street, which consisted of houses.

I assumed his mother lived in.

Boy was too fine for his own good.

I hope he don't get me into trouble.

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If you read Outwest, you're familiar with Sani & My Lolo ❤️

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