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𝙹𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚢 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢, 𝙽𝙹 📍


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"I'm so sorry that happened Lo, please stay home and let your body heal .. I'll be here. Have you told Z yet?" I inquired as I bathed Phats.

She was too busy playing with her toys to even notice I was talking to Lo.

"I'm not telling him," she spoke simply.

I made a face, "what you mean - you ain't telling him,"

"Exactly what I said- he doesn't need to know, its going to be a mess and I just rather move on from it." She replied lowly.

I rolled my eyes, "Lo .. no, thats not the way to go. He needs to know what happened - not now since he's still locked up, but soon... he deserves to know."

The line was quiet for a while before she spoke back up, "I don't know, we'll see. Look I need to lay down for a while - I'm in so much pain. I love you guys."

I sighed, "feel better and I love you too Lo."

The line beeped, indicated she hung up.

Walking back to the front room - Keyon was now sitting at my island with his head in his hands.

I finished washing baby girl up and then helped her out the tub, drying her.

"Da call?"

I checked the time seeing it was 630, "da should be calling soon baby. Come on, lets brush our mouths," I told her and she giggled before climbing on her step stool.

I grabbed her pink toothbrush out the cabinet and the colgate toothpaste.

I wet the brush first, added toothpaste then wet it again.

[ the only way to do it ]

Phats took it from me and started brushing away, "don't forget your tongue mamas," I explained.

She nosded her head and continued to do her thing.

A knock sounded at my door making me scrunch up my face, "I'll be back baby."

Standing to my feet, I dried my hands and went to open my door.

"Fuck you want?" I mugged Key.

"Can we talk?" His facial expression was blank and the look in his eyes appeared far away.

"Wassup?" I questioned, letting him inside.

He walked in and shut the door then made his way to my living room, "I have to get Phats ready for bed, gimmie a min." He nodded and stood off to the side with his hands deep in his pockets.

I went to the bathroom and helped lil mama rinse out her mouth and then take her to full furnished bedroom.

"Its time for bed mama," she pouted but made her way to the bed

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"Its time for bed mama," she pouted but made her way to the bed.

I was about to read her a story, but she started to cry.

"Whats wrong princess?" I caressed her back as I wiped away her tears.

"Da mad at me?" She questioned, her big glassy eyes looking up at me.

I frowned, "no baby, daddy loves you." I reassured her.

"He no call," she started crying again.

I sighed deeply, after the situation with Keyon; I thought we were good but Namir called back and started accusing me of cheating and doing him wrong, then he hung up on me and hasn't called in about a week or so.

The fact that his actions are now affecting our child is an issue and I'll be visiting him very soon.

"Da loves you princess, I promise." I explained to her and she wiped her tears, whilst nodding her head.

I kissed her cheeks and she smiled.

"wuv tew."

"I love you too," standing up from her bed I headed out her room and left it cracked so I could hear her.

Walking into the living room - I noticed Key had made his way to my kitchen. He was sitting at the Island with his head in his hands.

I frowned, something is really bothering him.

Taking a seat next to him, I rubbed his back making him jump.

"Keyon, whats wrong?"

He looked up at me, tears in his eyes; "did your boyfriend kill my sister?"

My eyes widened, "I - excuse me?" I made a face.

"Germani, Germani James.. did your boyfriend kill my sister?"

Sister? Germ never mentioned having a brother.

I quickly shook my head no, denying the accusations.

He didn't kill her, I'm almost positive Scoob and Action had sum to do with it.

He stood to his feet abruptly, making a long clatterung noise with my chair.

He started walking towards me, a dark-menacing look in his eyes making me swallow the lump in my throat, I didn't know I had.

"Keyon," I whispered looking up at him as I slowly backed away from him.

His hands found their way around my neck, lifting me from the ground - shaking me violently.

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER!" He yelled as I tried my best to get his hands from around my throat.

"I-i c-can't breath," I choked out and his eyes widened, dropping me to the floor.

"I'm so sorry Lundyn," he made a face, quickly backing around from me.

I coughed and placed my hands around my neck, feeling the raw skin about to bruise.

"P-please leave." I told him as I slowly stood to my feet.

"Lundyn, I'm s-," "GO!" I yelled, cutting him off.

"I'm sorry, but maybe we can help each other," he mumbled being making his way to the door.

I quickly shut and locked it and then slid down the door and started crying.

Help each other how?

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