1 ; the new girl

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"darn tootin i'm just so excited, gwen! it's been so long since new kids came down here! maybe the word will get out about camp campbell and kids will be down here left and right!" david exclaimed.

"don't get your hopes too high, david. you said that last time." gwen responded.

i rolled my eyes, whoever that kid is, they are gonna regret it so much.

neil looked over at me, "aren't you excited max? it's been so long since we've had a new camper. maybe we can all be frie-"

"hah, let's not." i quickly retort.

"cmon max! loosen up. maybe they'll be cool." nikki says, i roll my eyes.

nikki and neil have been my bestfriends for about six years now. when i first met them, we immediately tried to escape, but we kinda crashed the bus. at least we know how to drive now.

the only reason nikki still comes here is so her mom has someone to watch her while she's out spreading her legs to any man that has money. neil's parents still think this is science camp, and my parents still don't care. if anything, i think they care like 100x less! who knew that was possible.

i snap out of my thoughts to hear the bus pull up and the quarter master honk.

we all rush down there (besides me. i kinda just shuffled there.) to see the new kid. turns out she's a girl.

she walked off the bus and the quarter master got off after her. i swear, the quarter master has been alive forever.

we all looked at the new girl, "ahem. uh, hello.." she coughed. haha, she seems like a pussy.

"well howdy there miss! you must be y/n! so glad to meet you!" david said, enthusiastically. she smiled, "yeah, it's nice to be here."

"well don't be shy! tell us about yourself!" david exclaimed.

she nods, "uh, well, my name is y/n, im 16 years old, and uh. yeah. my mom thought this place was a artist camp, and she wants me to be like her so im here." she explained, "but from the looks of it, this doesn't look very artsy"

nikki scoffed, "yeah, the brochure is stupid. it looks like an some cool camp but is the complete opposite."

"yeah, i've been here for 6 years and my parents still think its a science camp." neil laughed.

"anyways, nice to meet you y/n! this is nikki, neil, and max." gwen said, pointing to us, "they would be happy to show you around the camp!"

"hah, no i wouldn't." i scoffed, gwen smirks. "that was a test, now you have to show her around."

"awh, what!? that's bullshit." i retort. david gave me a "watch-your-language" look while gwen gave me a "you-better-do-what-i-told-you-to-do" look. i roll my eyes. "cmon y/n, lets make it quick." i can tell she was trying to not laugh.


this max kid is currently showing me around camp, but i can tell he doesn't wanna do it.

i can hear him explaining something, but im not listening.

"uh, hey, max, you don't have to show me around. trust me, i really dont care." i snicker. he slightly laughs, "good. cause i really don't care either. but stay beside me for like 10 more minutes so dave or gwen don't get pissed." i nod.

"anyways, where did you even hear about camp campbell? this is in the middle of nowhere." he asks. "honestly, i think it might've been an ad in the newspaper and my mom thought it would help me make friends." i replied.

"pff, just go to walgreens and become best friends with the cashier." he said. i laughed, "she also wants me to be an artist or something? she's a mildly popular artist and wants me to be like her or someshit." he rolls his eyes. "not to sound like a stereotypical teenager but god parents are stupid."

i nod, this guy is kinda cool.

"anyways, david and gwen are probably inside watch trashy tv. im gonna go find neil and nikki. go make friends or something." he chuckles and waves.

well, maybe he's not all that cool. me and him could've hung out. whatever, there's plenty of other people here.

as soon as i turn around, i automatically see neil and nikki.

they both come running up to me, "hey new girl, how's camp so far?" nikki asked me. neil gives her a look, "its y/n, not new girl nikki." i laugh, "it's pretty good. i mean the only people i've spoken to are you guys and max."

neil and nikki share a confused face, "that's weird, he normally doesn't care to speak to new kids." neil says, obviously puzzled.

"anyways, i wanted to ask if we could switch tents. im literally the one next to you. max has been pretty shitty and won't have 3 am talks with me anymore, so i'll just bother neil with my 3 am talks." nikki asked me.

i nod, "oh yeah, that's fine! me and max are pretty decent friends currently so, i dont mind." i respond.

nikki nods her head, "cool beans. speaking of max, you seen him?"

"oh yeah, he was looking for you guys, he went that way." i pointed behind me. they both thanked me and went to go find max.

well, i can't just stand here and do nothing. lets be social! yay!

oh god if you exist, please help me. hopefully this camp won't be shit.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now