14 ; same old same old

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my eyes fluttered open as i felt the sun hit me. i look up to see the tent flaps open and max standing there, looking around outside, while drinking coffee.

i hop out of bed, walk over to max and rub my eyes. "let me have some of your coffee." i yawned, he raised and eyebrow and sighed in defeat and handed me his mug.

i took a large gulp and handed the coffee back to him.

i zipped up the tent to change into clothes.
i put on a f/c shirt, and i was gonna put on shorts but they're all dirty. i looked around the tent if there were can other pants lying around.

i found a pair of sweatpants on max's side on the tent. 'i bet he wouldn't mind too much.' i thought to myself. i put on the navy blue sweatpants and they were pretty big and loose so they were definitely max's. i tightened the strings so they would stay around my waist.

i unzipped the tent, "im gonna head to the mess hall! see you there!" i waved to max. he nodded but then stopped me. "uhh how many pairs of sweatpants did you pack again?" he asked, "2~" i replied. "didnt you say you weren't gonna wear til you could wash them?" he asked, "plus, it could just be me, or maybe the fact you said outloud 'are these max's sweatpants?', but i think those are my sweatpants." he looked at me and slightly smirked.

i tried my best to not laugh, "i dont have a clue what you're talking about." i quickly walked off to mess hall.

i walked into the mess hall, i couldn't see nikki or neil anywhere. i looked around and only found harrison and a couple other kids. but harrison waved me down. i made my way over to harrison.

"hey, y/n." harrison greeted me, "hey harrison, how's it going?" i yawned.

he looked a little puzzled, "uh it's pretty good. did you sleep at all last night?" he awkwardly laughed.

i nodded, "oh yeah yeah! i just woke up super early this morning and had trouble going back to sleep. i was hanging out with nikki, neil, and max most of the night." i informed him.

harrison let out a jealous, yet sounding defeated "oh." i looked at him, "oh uh, are you alright harrison?" i asked. he shrugged, "i just think max isn't the best influence on you, but it doesn't matter i suppose. im not gonna force you to lose friends." i shrugged.

i then felt a tap on my shoulder, i looked behind me to see max. "hey, nikki and neil are about to be here. i don't wanna look like some edgy loner, come sit with me." max said in his monotone voice.

i nodded, "yeah, yeah. one second, i'll be there in 1 minute." i said. max groaned, "im gonna head to the lake." max announced to us.

i looked back at him, "i thought that place was boring." i smirked. max looked at me, "yeah it is. just how i like it." max responded, "i only like to go there when i wanna be away from you assholes." he slightly smiled but then walked off.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now