8 ; best friends.

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"i forgive you." i say while hugging max.

i feel him stop tensing up. we let go of each other.

he looks at me and smiles, "i.. i know its sudden and after all we did just get in a fight this morning but.. do you–" i giggle at his stammering.

i put my hand out for a high five, "best friends?"

he nods and high fives me, "best mother fuckin friends!"

we walk outside and it was basically perfect timing. david started gathering up the campers to the stage to present the project shit.

"im guessing you dont wanna go." i look at max. he nods, "let's wait for the crowd to die down then let's go to the dock." he says, i nod.

once everyone, besides me and max, goes to the stage, we run to the dock, put our feet in the water and sit next to each other.

max and i begin to talk about some of our special interests and what camp we signed up for originally.

"my mom is a very talented artist or something. she's not that known but she wanted me to be all artsy and shit like her." i laugh.

max shrugs, "my parents didn't give a damn. they just sent me here."

"dude, when i see your parents.. it's on SIGHT!" i yell, throwing my fist in the air.

max makes a "pfftt" sound, "that'd be some show." he laughed. "a short, (h/c) headed girl fighting my extremely tall parents." he says.

i playfully punch him in the arm, "hey! im not short! just compared to you, im short!" i correct him.

"sooo you're short." he laughs, i roll my eyes.

as the sun goes down, we continue talking.

max and i moved to the grass and layed down. somehow we got on the topic of why we still sleep with stuffed animals. he starts going on and on about mr honeynuts.

as he talks, i get more and more tired. i close my eyes.

"and- hey, did you? oh she's asleep." i heard max say.

wait, i could scare him! he claims that nOtHinG ScArEs HiM. well that will change quickly.

suddenly i feel something warm and soft on me. i slightly peak my eye open, it's... max's hoodie.

i see out of the corner of my eye max blushing. does he-? no no no, of course he doesn't like me, we're best friends.

i quickly close my eyes. well, i mean, it's not the end of the world if i do this.

i put my head on his shoulder, pretending im moving in my sleep.

i mean, friends do this all the time. why should it be different with a guy?

suddenly, i hear people talking. the voices sound like.. is it gwen and david?

according to the mumbles and voices i hear, i think gwen, david, nikki, and neil are here.

i hear a bunch of 'aww's and 'ooo's

i pretend to wake up. i sit up, criss cross apple sauced if you will, and turn around. max's hoodie is on my back.

i pretend to look sleepy and i wrap his hoodie around my shoulders.

"aww fuck you guys.. you all woke me up." i give them all the finger. david gasps, "max! are you teaching y/n these behaviors? plus, it way past you kids' bed time!" david says.

i see neil and nikki snickering.

i shrug, "whatever. im going to bed." i stand up walked off to go to my tent.


y/n walks off, with my hoodie around her.

ok look, i don't like her in any way, shape, or form. but she does look cu– slightly less unattractive with my hoodie wrapped around her.

after she walks off, gwen looks at me. "sooo, maaaxxxx, how are you and y/n?" i quickly became defensive, "w-what!? me and y/n aren't like that, and never will be!" i felt myself blushing. dammit.

david gasps, "is this the start of a new, young love?"

"obviously!" neil replies, "yeah, they totally like each other bit they're both too stupid to know it." nikki adds.

"everyone shut up! me and y/n aren't like that! we're just friends! now, night assholes! im going to bed!" i give them all the finger and walk off.

"you two better not make out!" nikki yells. "eat shit!" i yell back.

god, such dicks.

i walk into the tent to see y/n now WEARING my hoodie and asleep.

nope, dont like her. she's just not that ugly looking.


oh god.

no no no.

that feeling is back.

the sick feeling that makes me all weird and blush and stupid shit.

ugh, whatever! im probably fucking sick or something.

i walk over to my bag to get a different sweatshirt. im not waking up y/n for some stupid hoodie.

i pull out a red sweatshirt that says "soccer championship 2018"

fun fact, i've never played soccer. i also did not play it in 2018.

another fun fact, i might've gotten this hoodie from some random field by my house.

i put on the hoodie and lay down in my bed.

i look over at y/n, that feeling bubbles up.

i sigh and rub my face,



it's just some dumb crush. it'll be gone by tomorrow. i know it.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now