4 ; you're not too bad

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i woke up in a puddle of sweat. god its hot as balls.

i look at my alarm, 5:47 am. cool.

what's the point of going back to sleep. max said we all wake up at like 6:30 anyways.

i unzip our tent and walk down to the dock.

fuck it, we gonna go swimming.

i take off my tank top and sweat pants and jump in my bra and underwear.

i look at the doc and see max standing there, must have woke him up.

i wave at him and swim up to the dock.

"heyy max. did i wake you up?" i ask.

"why yes. yes you did. you were loud as fuck while unzipping the tent and jumping in the lake. fucks sake, russia is probably awake now cause of how loud you were." he rubbed his eyes.

i laughed, "oopsie" i jump back on the dock.

i see max's eyebrows raise and his eyes are looking my ches— HEY.

i pushed him playfully, "eww perverttt." i laughed. honestly, i dont care. i just like making fun of him.

"i-i uh.. i didn't–" his face was completely red, "pff i don't care, its fine man." i laughed.

"anyways, you should swim with meee. im boreddd." i groaned. his expression quickly turned into a nervous expression, "o-oh no im good man."

"hm alright if you say so.." i slowly walk and wait for him to turn around. he then turns around and i quickly push him in.

"fUCKING ASSHOLE!" he screams as he falls in.

he starts freaking out, "y/n i cant swim!" he yells.

i laugh, "dude, you can stand right there. its knee deep." i say as i walk into where he's standing.

the realization hits him and he stands up, "right. i knew that." he acts calm.

i start going into the deeper end of the lake. max follows until he cant stand anymore.

we started splashing each other and playing around, until gwen came out by the dock.

"hey, hate to ruin the fun out here but david will have a fit if he sees you two out here. you two go get clothes on and i can unlock the mess hall for you two so you guys can hangout and stuff. just, don't wake anyone else up." gwen said to us. we nodded and went back to the tent to change.

we both went to the tent to change. i went out of the tent for him to change, then, when he got clothed, he went to the mess hall and i went in the tent to change.

i put on a new bra and underwear, then a yellow, short sleeved shirt and a different pair of black sweatpants on. i then put on some old, black combat boots and then go to the messhall.

when i got there, max was sitting at a table with his head down. there is now one thing i need to do.

i sneak up behind him and yell 'boo!'

he slowly puts his head up and turns around to look at me, "oh god. im shaking in my boots." he says, sarcastically.

"dammit! i really thought i had you!" i said, as i sat down across from him.

i saw a slight smirk on his face, but that quickly left.

"how does your stomach feel today?" i ask, "it's better i guess. i still feel.. uh... queasy i guess." he said, looking a little embarrassed.

"god, what time is it? im fucking hungry." max says, obviously cranky and irritated. i look around and find a clock. its 6:15 already.

"it's almost time for everyone to start waking up. we'll probably be eating in like... 20 minutes. or something." i explain, he nods.

we sit in a couple moments of silence, until i speak up, "so, what do they normally serve for breakfast here?" i ask.

"god, i really don't wanna know." max said. i snorted slightly.

"my mom always made bacon and pancakes, we would make them together. they tasted like shit, but we tried our best." i laughed, he slightly smiled.

i turn to him, "what did your parents make for breakfast? i really hope it wasn't sausage balls. those are shit." i asked him.

he slightly frowned, "oh. my family and i didn't make breakfast. i normally made myself cereal or just didn't eat breakfast." he responded.

i raise my eyebrows, "oh, yeah thats how it used to be but then my dad had this whole thing about how we need more family time and making and eating breakfast together can help that or some bullshit." i laughed.

he nodded, "yeah, my parents were never like that. usually they would go out the night before and then come home in the middle of the next day or some shit like that." he rolled his eyes.

i nodded. poor guy, his parents don't seem so fantastic.

suddenly, all the kids and david and gwen came barging in and everyone lined up to get breakfast.

we both got up and went in line with neil and nikki.

time skip cause uh y e a h

"alright, campers! make your way to the theater stage for an announcement!" david yelled, in a cheery happy voice.

what could this be about?

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now