7 ; say something.

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i watch y/n walk off. i stood there, in regret, guilt, shock.

i shouldn't be shocked. im so fucked up man.

suddenly, that feeling left me. you know, that weird, sick feeling she gave me. it's been replaced with another weird feeling.

not really sad, angry, or anything really. just... nothing.

"hey max... you alright?" nikki puts a hand on my shoulder.

i quickly turn around with a blank expression, "well, duh. like i give a fuck about her." i shrug.

neil makes a 'hmph' sound, "well. if you need your mind taken off anything, you know who to look for!" neil pointed at himself.

"a-and me!" nikki said.

they walked off and i was there. alone.

i decided to walk deeper into the forest just to think. it was kinda hard to though, i kept finding ticks all over my arms and legs.

i sit down by a tree and lean on the tree and loudly sigh.

this whole day sucks. that parent project, crying in front of y/n, and now me just being stupid!

this whole parent shit is stupid.

parents are stupid.

i start to think back about my parents. stupid fucking parents.

my dad had always been really hard on me. well, my old therapist said he was abusive, in many many forms. my mom, on the other hand, let my dad do whatever he wanted. my mom stayed quiet or else dad would get mad.



i heard my dad yelling. great. he must have had a bad day.

i walk into the living room, "sir?" i groaned.

he looked at me and held up a paper that had a huge, red F. dammit.

"you're mother found this in your backpack. wanna explain, mister?" my dad said, angrily.

"aw what the heck mom!?" i said to her, she made no eye contact. she was in the kitchen making dinner. she stayed silent.

i look back at my dad, he stood up and grabbed my arm.

i yelp in pain, "d-dad i'll do better! i swear to god i'll do better!"

he rolls his eyes and shoves me to the ground. i look up at the coffee table and see beers. he's been drinking. that makes this 10x better.

he puts his boot on my back, "d-dad! get off i can't breathe!" i yell, wheezing.

he kicks my side, "go to your room! i expect better from my only son!"

i try not to yelp in pain. i slowly get up. i turn to my mom who slowly turned around.

"dinner is ready. its spaghetti, again."

me and my dad go up to get a plate of spaghetti. i get my food and my dad looks down at me, "eat in your room. i dont wanna see you right now." i nod and grab my fork and head to my room.

"max? well, what are you doing so far out in these woods?" i hear a cheery voice.

oh god.


i sigh, "hello, david. i am in the woods cause i feel like it. is that a good answer for you?" i turn to him and give him a annoyed smile.

he raises an eyebrow, "i suppose so. anyways shouldn't you be working on your project?"

suddenly, it clicked for david. "ooh goodness! i.. max...it had just left my mind... im... im so sorry max." his voice quickly changed.

i shrug. "its fine. didn't plan on doing it either way."

david slightly smiles, "if you wanna just hang out in your tent for today, you can." he holds a hand out, signaling me to get up. i take his hand and pull myself up and nod. "yeah, i'll just hangout there for now." i respond.

"cool beans! now, i have to go find sticks for nerris. she needs some 'magic wands'" david smiled and walked off.

i walked back to my tent and see y/n sitting there, tears running down her face.


she looks up at me and quickly wipes her tears away and smiles slightly.

i sigh, "y/n... im... im really bad with uh.. apologies but... i am.. really really sorry. i honestly only said those things cause i wanted neil and nikki to stop thinking i like you or whatever." i chuckle bittersweetly.

she doesn't move. she stays quiet.. just like mom.

mom was always scared, thats why she stayed quiet. is y/n scared?

"y/n... say something."

"please..? don't be scared or nervous. whatever! just answer..." i begged her.

she turned to me, silent.

she stood up and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

i hesitantly hugged her back.

"i forgive you."

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now