5 ; complete bullshit

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we all gathered to the theater stage thing. me, y/n, neil, and nikki sat together and listened to david's task shit.

"alright campers. since we cannot do our annual parents day this year, we thought we should do a report on your parents! your relationship with them, their jobs, and the little things they do for you!" david exclaimed.

not this shit again. does david not remember that bullshit when i was 10?!

actually, make it 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15! every year, we had this stupid ass parents day cause campbell thought it would be nice or some shit. every year, my parents never came. every year, i would cry.

david comforted when i was 10 - 13 but our friendship or whatever the hell you wanna call it just drifted i guess. he just got tired with my negativity or some shit. he doesn't give a fuck.

this is stupid. fucking stupid.

i look over at y/n, neil, and nikki. they look excited for this bullshit.

"...any questions?" david asks the crowd. i kinda tuned him out so i dont have a clue on what he said.

no one raised their hand.

"alrighty then! me and gwen will hand out some poster boards and packs of markers for you all!"

we're fucking 16 year olds, who would want to do this bullshit?

everyone got their shit, and went around sitting somewhere to do their project. i just went back to the tent. hopefully no one follows me. not in the mood for this shit.

i get to my tent feeling like shit. my parents don't care and never have. i've been invisible to them my whole life. why do you think i cant swim? they never cared to teach me or help me.

i sit down on my bed and feel tears in my eyes. i may not act like it, but im such a pussy.

i feel more tears roll down my cheeks.

god this is just..

it's complete bullshit.


i was talking to neil and nikki about this project but i saw max walking away. like, quite far away from where everyone else is.

i look at neil and nikki, "im gonna do this project in my tent. i'll see you guys later." we all waved bye to each other and walked off.

as i get closer to our tent, i hear sniffing. not like, smelling around but like... crying sniffing.

i unzip the tent, walk in, and zip it back up. "max? is everything going alright?" i ask, calmly.

he looks up at me, with his puffy eyes, "y-y/n, why the fuck do some parents care so much and others just don't give one f-fuck about their kids?"

i immediately rush over to him and sit beside him. "max, are you okay? what do you mean?" i ask him, clearly concerned.

he goes quiet and looks down for a moment, and then looks back up. "my parents dont care. their response to everything is "i dont care." i just want regular parents." he wipes his eyes, he isnt really crying anymore, it's mostly anger. "i want my parents to tell me no. i want them to hang out with me, not just think i can always take care of myself. i just want them to care."

max stops crying fully, "god, sorry. i just hate these parent things every year at camp. its complete shit." he gives me a bittersweet laugh.

"l-look, max, im bad with emotions. fuck, i cant handle my own," i laugh, "but, im sorry your parents don't care like they should. i don't know where you live at all, but if we are at least an hour apart, my family will love to have you over for awhile."

he gives me a smile. a real, genuine smile. it faded away as he looks me in the eyes.

"y/n, promise not to speak about this to anyone, but.." he goes quiet. then, quickly hugs me.

i felt myself blush slightly, "dont you dare tell anyone about this! i will murder you!" i giggle, "alright max. whatever you say."

i stood up and put my hand out for him to grab. he took my hand and i pulled him into a hug.

i heard him sigh and slightly hug me back.

i let go of him, "you know what? fuck this project! lets do whatever the fuck we wanna!" i yelled. max smiled, "i think we're getting on the same page."

we ran out of our tent, screaming "fuck you!" , "fuck this! , and raising our middle fingers to everyone and thing. i dont know if many people saw us, but they probably heard us.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now