16 ; staying silent.

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i walked into the mess hall and tried to look for harrison and nerris. they were no where in the mess hall so i checked the tents.

i went into harrison's tent. nothing. i went to nerris's tent. again, nothing.

maybe they're in the woods! yeah!

i ran as fast as i could to the woods, i found nerris, harrison, and preston all hanging out.

"hey you guys!" i pretend to act all cheery, i was slightly out of breath. "oh hey y/n, we were just talking about some dumb stuff." harrison smiled. "well, specifically crushes!" nerris put her finger up.

"oh fun." i chuckled.

i sat down next to harrison. "alright, can we repeat our crushes? i obviously need to know these things." i laughed.

preston spoke up first, "well, y/n, you probably didn't know but im bisexual! and currently i have a crush on nerf. he can be an ass from time to time but i just think he's swell!" preston said in awe. "oh that's great dude, happy for you!" i gave him a thumbs up.

i looked at nerris, slightly implying for her to tell us her crush. "well.. uh.. i don't really know to be honest. crushes are dumb anyways." nerris shrugged.

i looked at her and she tilted her head to harrison slightly, implying he was her crush. i mentally squealed in excitement.

i look at harrison, "what about you?" i asked. harrison shrugged. "to be honest, im not sure. im not one to have crushes." i could tell he was lying, but i brushed it off.

soon, it became my turn. they all looked at me, with anticipation. i honestly don't know if i like anyone. it's very confusing.

i mean, maybe neil? he's really caring and smart and just seems like a great guy. i thought about max. that's totally out of the question now. plus, max is like a brother to me.

"i bet it's maxxxx." nerris giggled, i felt myself blushing, "oh no no," i shook my head, "i don't wanna talk about him. he's being a jerk today." i responded.

"oh gee! the drama! i must know it!" preston yelled in excitement. "well, me and neil were hanging out today. turns out, max was spying on us." i said, i even was angry at the thought of him spying on me again. "he has this weird urge to protect me or something! like sometimes its sweet but he doesn't need to protect me from neil or some shit!" i explained. everyone nodded.

"yeah, he isn't the best person once you actually get to know him." harrison said. i mean, i am mad at max... but he was just wanting to be protective, make sure neil wasn't gonna hit on me or something.

what!? no! stop making excuses for max! h-he's a jerk.

"weellll, what about neil?" preston asked, "do you like him by any chance?"

nerris and preston started doing those dramatic "ooo"s.

i mean.. me and neil have stuff in common. he's a really caring friend.. i don't see why he wouldn't be a great boyfriend... right?

there was silence til i spoke up.

"yeah. i like neil." i nodded.


i walked out of my tent. i'll at least keep myself entertained.

i look around for nikki and neil.. well.. nikki is probably the only one who wants to see me...

i walk around camp trying to find them, but then i found them at the docks. that's where y/n liked to go. i smiled at the thought of her.

i walked down there, "hey guys." i said awkwardly. nikki greeted me, while neil glared at me.

"i'll be back later." neil told nikki and walked off. i sighed.

"what's wrong, max?" nikki asked.

"well, before you ran off, neil and y/n caught me stalking them. and they're both currently pissed at me." i explained, "neil was pissed for me spying on them, and y/n is pissed because i was spying and i said some stupid shit while we were trying to sort out the spying shit."

nikki nodded, "well, maybe the best thing is to try and talk it out again. don't say any stupid shit like old max would. be reasonable, put yourself in her shoes. thennn you guys can start dating again." nikki teased at the end.

i rolled my eyes, "piss off." i walked off but before i did, i looked back at nikki. "but thanks for the advice." and i continued walking.

she's obviously not in the tent or docks. i quickly checked the mess hall. no y/n.

she's gotta be in the woods then! that's it!

i walked down into the woods. as i got closer i could hear y/n's voice.

i finally could see her, but she was with friends. maybe i should see what they're all talking about... no! fucking jesus max! that's how you ended up in this situation! just wait til she walks back to the tent.

as i turned around and started walking back, i heard y/n's voice;

"i like neil."

i immediately stopped in my tracks. what? she likes...neil?

everything felt broken. i didn't even think this was a CRUSH crush. i thought it was a phase.

god dammit.. if only i was better. if i was a better person, a better camper,

a better best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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