3 ; best friends?

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me and y/n couldn't sleep at all, but we refused to go back to the camp fire. i rather not be embarrassed by my friends.

plus, i need to know what kinda person y/n is. is she an asshole or a neutral person? only one way to figure out.

"what was your favorite tv show growing up?" i asked her, "oh uh.. probably my little pony." she smiled.

"favorite color?"

"obviously f/c!"

"what's the most traumatic thing to happen to you?"

"i accidentally killed a bird. how was 7 year old me supposed to know they can't survive in boxes?"

hmph. she seems pretty good. not to mention she has good looks, well like.. i don't mean it like that obviously, but yeah. so she seems like a good person in all.

she gave me a strange look while i was in my thoughts, "uh, why do you need to interrogate me?" she asked.

i looked over at her, "just seeing what kind of person you. that's all."

all the sudden, my body just realizes how cold it is. "fuck, its cold as balls in here!" i exclaim. i get up to look around for my hoodie.

i hear something hit the ground, but i just assume its a pillow. until y/n screams, "oh my god! you still sleep with a bear?" i instantly turn around to see her smiling and holding my teddy bear! "hey what the fuck!? give that back, dickhead!" i yell.

i immediately grab it out of her hands, and hug my bear. "fuck you." i told y/n and felt myself blushing out of embarrassment.

"no no! i wasn't making fun of you, i just thought it was cute." she lightly blushed. wait did she just call me–

she turns around and grabs a stuffed f/a (favorite animal) and squeezes it tightly. "i've had this old thing since i was 3! i still sleep with it, it just makes me feel safe." she smiled slightly, "i just thought it was cool that i wasn't the only 16 year old who still sleeps with a stuffed animal. that's all." she shrugged.

i smiled, "o-oh cool! im glad im sharing a tent with someone who understands my attachment to this."

we both share a smile, but then y/n speaks up. "uh hey, i know this is a dumb question. but uh.. do you consider me a friend?" she asks, with a weak but hopeful smile.

"well, i know its your first day and i usually don't do this but yeah. i consider you a friend. well, best friend." i felt my face turning red.

i see her expression go from a hopeful and relieved face to a "ooo-time-to-tease-him-for-having-a-soft-spot" face.

"awhh, mr tin man does have a heart after all!" she teased. i rolled my eyes, "s-shut up!" i laugh it off.

all of the sudden, i get this floaty feeling in my stomach. "oh shit!" i held my stomach.

"oh, dude, are you okay?" she asks concerned. "y-yeah im good" i responded, with a weak thumbs up, "i-im just gonna... go ask neil for an advil!" i smile weakly and run out of the tent.

i walk over to the bonfire area and it looks like they are starting to shut it down. before neil and nikki go in their tent, i rush over to them.

"n-nikki! neil! i need your help now!" i pleaded, "dude, are you alright!? your face is all red." neil points at my face.

"oh god! max are you pregnant!?" nikki asked, unironically. me and neil give her a look. "no im not pregnant! i think im seriously sick! i've never had this kind of feeling before!" i tell them.

"well, how do you feel?" nikki asked.

"well i was sitting in my tent, talking to y/n and all of the sudden my stomach feels floaty and my face is burning up. i feel so.. strange man!" i explained.

nikki and neil share a look, "uh.. max.. are you trying to tell us you have a crush on y/n?" neil asked.

i give them a confused look, "w-what!? no! im literally dying here!" i exclaim.

"uh, max, that's what happens when you have a crush. you get all red and you get butterflies in your stomach..." nikki explained. i felt the color from my face drain.

i gulped, "uh, h-ha! gotcha guys! me and y/n wanted to prank you two, so you'd stop saying we 'like each other'!" i lied.

turns out, they completely bought it! "ooh okay, that makes more sense! i was genuinely confused that you had a crush!" neil laughed.

"haha.. well... see you guys tomorrow!" i ran off to my tent.

i cant have a crush! no no. i dont have one, obviously. it's so out of character for me to like anyone!

plus, i just met her. im pretty sure neil and nikki were pulling at my leg and trying to make me think i had a crush on her. yeah thats gotta be it!

i walk into my tent and see y/n and get that feeling again but i ignore it.

"hey fuck face." i waved at y/n.

"hey dick, are you alright? you feeling okay?" she asked.

"y-yep! i feel great. i dont know what happened there to be honest." i lied and nervously laughed.

she nods, "are we doing activities tomorrow?" she asked.

"i think so. if not we should hang out." i said.

wait what!? i didn't even mean to say that! goddammit, it's just dick talk i guess.

she chuckled, "oooooo maxxy poo wants to hang out with me!? i feel so honored!" she teased me.

"shut up, asswipe!" i flipped her off.

she continued teasing me, "oh goodness! these insults are breaking me! totally not stupid at all!" she laughed.

"dude, i can insult you faster than 'rap god'!" i yelled, "you fucking stupid asshole piss face whore bitch ass face!" i yelled and pointed at her.

y/n raised her eyebrows and snorted.

"how'd that one feel, princess? getting insulted by the asshole god." i smirked.


"princess?" y/n laughed.

my face turned red, "i-i was meaning that in mean, teasing way!"

y/n laughed, "alright, alright. i'm gonna try to sleep now. night, ass wipe."

"night dumbass."

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now