9 ; new friends

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i dont think this crush is gone.


it's.... its just a phase! thats all.

i get out of bed and it looks like y/n got up before me.

and still has my hoodie.

i walk into the mess hall and i dont see y/n anywhere.

buuuttt i do see neil and nikki.

i go to their table and sit down,

"welllll new hoodie, huh?" nikki said, teasingly.

i nodded.

"what made you wanna wear that hoodie max?" neil asked me.

"i-i just like trying new things. such as, wearing new hoodies." i replied.

"hmm. that's so crazy! cause y/n is wearing your hoodie! maybe she likes trying new things?" nikki says, pointing to nerris' table.

i furrow my eyebrows, "what? why is she sitting with them!?" i say, angrily.

"ooo call down! let your girlfriend live!" neil replies.

"i mean duh she has her–" i immediately stop, "hEY HEY SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" i whisper yell.

neil and nikki snort, i roll my eyes. i get up and go over to y/n.

i tap her on the shoulder, "hey y/n neil and nikki said to come sit with us or something." i say, acting like i don't care.

she smiles, "oh yeah! be there in a sec, me and nerris are talking about dnd!" i nod and walk off.

i sit across from neil and nikki and listen to their dumb conversations. finally, y/n makes her way to our table and sits by me.

"hey guys!" she waves at us.

neil and nikki look at her and then me.

"h-hey y/n... n..nice sweatshirt." neil says but then they both burst out in laughter.

she looks down at her hoodie. "oh shit i completely forgot! here let me-" i cut her off "no no, i-its alright. i dont care." i said, stammering slightly.

she blushes very lightly, "oh alright." she smiled.

"oh hey, by the way y/n, i heard that you originally signed up for science camp. is that true?" neil asked, "oh, well, yes and no.. you see i wanted to do science camp but my mom forced me to go to art camp. jokes on her, its neither!" she laughed.

"that's great! maybe one day we can talk about science and all we know and such!" neil offered to y/n. "yeah of course! that'd be great!" y/n smiled.

neil better not be having any ideas. she's obviously not interested in nerd boy.

im just a protective person for people i care for. such as, my bestfriend. and maybe slight crush. i don't know man. this shit is confusing.

soon, breakfast was over and david and gwen talked about today's plan. obviously, i didn't listen. and we were sent off.

everyone immediately ran out the door. besides me.

i look around outside, trying to find y/n. i finally find her and she's with... fucking harrison and nerris? maybe she digs nerds.

i walk over, "hey fuck faces." i greeted to everyone. everyone in the group gives me a look thats says 'hey we're doing something. leave.'

"oh uh, hey max! me,nerris, and harrison were just talking about dnd.. you probably wouldn't like it." y/n spoke up.

"well, i dont care for nerris' dumb wizard-ness, but i've always wanted to get in dnd, it seems cool." harrison smiled. jesus these fuckin nerds-

"now, if you excuse us max, we need to continue our conversation." nerris said, motioning with her hands.

i shrug, "fine. beats making fun of you nerds." i walk off, and while im walking away i over hear them.

"oh y/n! this is pretty unrelated. b-but you wanna be in my upcoming magic show? well, it is tonight so i am a little late on asking you, but seeing how much you like magic, you'd be perfect for the show!"

"oh yeah of course! im not great at magic myself, but maybe you can teach me a bit right before the show!"

"yes! you two will do great! even if magic is a little dumb... but still! i can't wait to support my bestfriends!"

what fucking nerds..

wait, did nerris really just say they were bestfriends?

i mean, y/n can have other friends whatever..

but she cant have another best friend!

why do i care so much?

ugh, fuck this. fuck their dumb magic show.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now