10 ; stupid

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after nerris, harrison, and i's talk about getting into magic and dnd, we all got up and headed to our tents.

"oh, y/n. if you need to know anything about magic, come to my tent around 6. the show starts at 6:45!" harrison yells out to me, i give him two thumbs up.

i make it to my tent and see max there, "oh hey y/n." he waved, "heyy." i pointed finger guns at him.

he makes a 'pfftt' noise, "what has you all excited?" he asked, "oh, tonight im doing a magic show with harrison!" i smiled, "you,neil, and nikki need to be there! even if you're there to make fun of me, i need my bestfriend to watch!"

he slightly smirks, "wouldn't miss it for the world." i couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

i nodded at him. i then just realized in that moment i still have max's hoodie on. "oh! by the way," i take of his hoodie and hand it to him, "here you go! im gonna go change really quick. you mind getting out for a sec?"

he looks at his hoodie and then at me, "oh yeah, yeah one sec." he takes off the red hoodie he has on and then puts on his classic blue hoodie and walks out.

i put on a (f/c) tank top with my favorite band on the front of it, and then put on black basketball shorts.

i walk out and see max waiting on me, "oh by the way y/n, before you're magic show shit, you wanna hang out for a bit?" max asked, i nodded.

we walked around camp and talked, but then harrison came up to me. "hey, y/n! just wanted to say, after the magic show and once gwen and david go to bed, we're all gonna sneak out into the woods and play truth or dare. you wanna join us?" harrison asked me.

"oh yeah! that'd be great!" i said, i looked over at max who looked a little bummed out, "uh, can max come?" i asked. i saw max's face light up.

"oh yeah! everyone is invited! when gwen and david go into their cabin, we all sneak out. i can come get you guys... or max can show you where we're meeting up. whatever works for you gu-" max cuts off harrison, "i think i'll just show y/n where it is." max said sternly. harrison nodded and quickly ran off.

i look over at max, "arent you so excited? it could just be me but i think this camp isn't so bad afterall." max shrugs, "eh, its not as bad once you make good friends."

i look up and smile at him, "seems like i've made great friend." he rolls his eyes, and pretends to throw up. i laugh.

"hey do you happen to know what time it is?" i ask him, "uhh, there's a clock in the mess hall. let's go check."

we both arrived to the mess hall and the clock said "6:37"

"oh shit! cmon max we need to go!" i grab max's wrist and we both run.. well i kinda forced him to run but still!

we made it to the stage center, neil and nikki were already there. max was about to walk over there but before he did he said, "hey. sorry if i was being overprotective or some shit today."

i shrugged, "dont worry about it. it's cute." i accidentally said. fUCK NO.

i quickly ran off and in the front row was nerris. i went over to her and she gave me a thumbs up.

i quickly made it to the backstage to see harrison and preston.

"oh god, hey harrison! im so sorry, i completely lost track of time!" i apologized. "no no, it's alright. you'll be in the last act anyways! no offense." harrison said, i nodded.

preston looked me up and down, "y/n... are you wearing.." he motioned with his hands, "..that?" he asked. "well yeah. i dont care if the crowd likes my outfit or not." i shrug, preston rolls his eyes.

preston goes on stage to open up the magic show.

basically the whole show was some quite impressive magic, harrison called on random people to help him with magic and stuff.

finally, my part came up.

preston went up to me, "ok, y/n. basically harrison is gonna saw you in half and then we'll pull you behind stage again while another trick happens. then you'll be back on stage. and to conclude the show, he's gonna throw and smoke bomb and then you run behind stage and there will be a chicken!" preston said enthusiastically. i nodded.

"and for the final act, my good friend y/n will be helping me here!" harrison yelled, happily.

i run out onto the stage, i heard cheers from nerris, and suprising max, neil and nikki.

"for this trick, i will be sawing y/n in half!" harrison said, while grabbing a box. i went into the first half of the box and a pair of fake legs, that obviously werent mine, popped out the other end.

harrison took a , pretty dull looking, saw and 'sawed me in half'. i heard a couple of "wow"s and "ooh"s in the crowd.

i slightly peeked my head up to see how real it looked, and it looked kinda real. "holy shit i didn't even know i could do that." i accidentally blurted out. harrison and most of the crowd laughed.

i was then pushed to back stage, got out of the box and waited for harrison to call me back.

"and to conclude our show, i'll have y/n turn into a chicken!" i hear harrison declare. i run back onto stage.

harrison had thrown down some ball and it exploded into smoke. i threw myself behind the curtain and preston quirky put and chicken in my old spot. it looked pretty real.

i heard a bunch of clapping and 'woo's.

preston, harrison, and i went on stage and bowed. it was quite a success if i do say so myself.

we all went off the stage and waves to everyone, obviously pretending to go our tents.

what a great day.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now