13 ; late nights like these

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i woke up in the middle of the night, i couldnt see much but i could see the plastic lantern next to my bed on the night stand. pretty sure they got these lanterns from the dollar tree. these look like toys.

i unzip the tent and walk out. i don't feel that tired right now so i guess i can just hang around.

before i zipped the tent back up, i looked at max's alarm clock. it's 5:09 am right now. whatever. if im exhausted later, thats on me.

i zip up the tent and quietly walk to woods. max said looking at the lake was boring, so i guess i should switch it up.

i turned on this cheap lantern, it's not super bright but its helpful.

i walked deeper and deeper into the woods and i heard voices... they were familiar..

i finally could hear the voices and clearly and see who they were coming from. nikki and neil were still up. wow, how are they awake at this time.

"oh well, good morning to you two. how are you guys still up?" i went up to them and asked.

"oh y/n! you're up! thank god! neil is boring me with his weakness!" nikki cheered, neil gave her an ill look. "that's because you won't let me sleep! im exhausted!" neil yelled, obviously cranky.

"whatever." nikki rolls her eyes

"anyways!" nikki said, changing the subject, "since you're here, we can play truth or dare again! when its just me and neil back and forth, it's a little boring."

"or we can play literally anything else. maybe like, 'let neil fucking sleep!'" neil said. me and nikki laughed.

"well, i dont mind playing truth or dare." i smiled, nikki nodded and neil wiped his eyes. damn, nikki really doesn't let him sleep. must be tragic in their tent.

"alright alright, y/n! truth or dare?" nikki smiled, "uhh, truth!" i responded.

"how do you feel about max?" she asked.


my eyes slightly opened as i heard rustling around. jesus, is that y/n? could be any fuckin louder?

i slightly open my eyes, seeing her take the small lantern and leave the tent. after a couple seconds, i unzipped the tent and went to go see what she was doing.

im not stalking her or whatever.. im just gonna scare her. nothing is funnier then scaring people.

she turns on the lantern and walks down through the woods. finally, she isnt going to that boring ass lake!

i quietly follow behind y/n, but i dont wanna be right behind her. so, once she entered the woods, i kinda just sat and waited for a minute.

while standing there, i could of sworn i heard neil. he sounded kinda pissed... and cranky..

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now