12 ; i dont like you.

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about 10 minutes after those idiots and y/n had left, i decided to go see whats up.

"i need to piss. be right back." i announced and walked away.

finally, i found where they were. they were all by harrison's tent.

they were laughing and hugging each other. stupid shit.

finally harrison went to his tent and i guess nerris was tired so her and y/n hugged and then went to her tent.

and now y/n should be coming back... but... she doesn't? she goes to harrison's tent.

i her zip up the tent and i see a lantern turn on. i quietly get closer and hear giggling and stuff. the fuck.

i get up to front on the tent. "ahem." i say loudly.

"oh shh."

"haha sorry."

"go over there!"

i hear a bunch of whispers until harrison opens the tent. "uhh hey max."

"hey. you know where y/n is?" i ask, acting like i didnt know where she was.

"nope. thought she went back to the game?"

"huh. maybe she did. i just didn't see her." i raise my voice a little bit so maybe she'll hear me. "well if you do happen to see her, tell her to go back to the game. the people wanna see her. im going back to my tent."

i storm off.

"ok ok i think you wanna go now."

"yeah yeah ok. let max go to the tent first."

wow they are really bad at whispering, jesus.

i walk into my tent and sit on my bed and sigh. not really from sadness or stress. just. uGh.

after a couple minutes, y/n runs in.


i nodded, "go for it."


"pfff. well duh." i responded.

she became puzzled, "wait you aren't mad? wait how did you know?" she asked.

"you suck at whispering." i laughed.

she chuckled, "oh- wait! i need to go give harrison something! i'll be back in a sec." y/n ran out.

i looked over at her bed and then at the tent entrance. "whatever." i mutter to myself.

i take off my blue hoodie, put the red one on, and put the blue one on her bed.

i lay down in my bed and try to fall asleep.

i guess today wasn't the worst.


"alright, night harrison!" i wave bye to him.

i run back to my tent and i see max is asleep. well that was quick.

i go to my bed but then see his hoodie.

i turn over to him, whether he's asleep or not.

"real smooth, max, real smooth." i mumble.

i put on his hoodie and im not that tired. i guess i can go to the doc, i dont really wanna play truth or dare right now.

i go to dock and sit down, just staring at the water.

"you really do this out of everything? yawn." i turn around to see none other than max.

i shrug, its more peaceful than your snoring. he flips me off.

he sits by me. "you think they're still doing truth or dare?" he asks.

"i dunno. i dont really care to play though. nikki and neil would like force us to make out or some weird shit." i laugh.

"pff yeah, they're just stupid like that." max shrugged.

"so, y/n, how you feel about harrison, huh?" he elbows me, i roll my eyes.

"please. he's a great friend, i would just never want to be like that with him." i confirmed.

we sit in silence until i speak up, "why, you like me or something?~" i teased max.

his face turned red, "wait, no! fuck no! i-i don't.. i-" he gets all flustered.

i playfull hit him, "relax, lover boy, im messing with you!"

his face goes even more red from me calling him lover boy, "y-yeah."

i stood up, and put my hands in the hoodie pockets, wanna go to our tent? im assuming your bored of this." i ask him. he nods.

we make our way into our tent.

i look over at him as he zips up the tent, "hey, by the way, sorry if i made you uncomfortable earlier at truth or dare. you know, the whole hand holding thing." i stated.

after zipping up the tent he looks at me, "oh no, i dont care man." he shrugged.

"max, i just wanted to say, thanks for everything. for the couple weeks i've been here you've done a great job of making me feel welcomed at this hell hole. just thanks for being my bestfriend." i smiled and put my hand up for him to high five.

he slightly smiled and his face was a little red. he high fived me. "yeah yeah, you're probably just tired but i'll take it."

i looked up at him and rolled my eyes, "don't speak about this to anyone, especially nikki and neil. but- uh-" i stayed quiet for a moment and then groaned. i quickly hugged max. i could tell he was startled but he then stopped tensing up and patted my head. i then let go.

i went to my bed and put blankets over me.

max also climbed into bed.

"night asshole." i told him, "night fuckface." he responded. and then turned off the lantern.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now