11 ; isnt it lovely?

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as the show ended and everyone got off stage, before i could walk up to y/n, nikki elbowed me. "truth or dare tonight is gonna be real fun max." she snickered. i rolled my eyes and went to go find y/n.

i found y/n talking to harrison, "yeah, dont sweat it harrison. me and max are gonna be there!" she said to him as he was about to walk off. she turned around and i suppose i scared her. "ffFUCK!" she yelled in fear.

once she realized it was me she calmed down, "well hello to you to." i responded, she laughed. "sorry sorry. you just scared me real bad." she said.

"anyways, good job on your show or whatever. it wasn't as stupid as i thought it was gonna be." i teased her. she punched me in the arm.

we walked back to our tent and waited for kids to start walking out.

eventually everyone started walking out of their tents and so we kinda just followed.

we were the lasts one to go out of our tent so when we went into the woods it was dark as hell.

"how are you not scared of the woods at night? there could be a murder or something here." she asked, looking around.

"well after basically million summers here, you really don't care if a murder comes for you. hell, i am cheering the murders on." i responded. she laughed.

finally we made it. y/n rushed over to sit by nerris and harrison but i just followed her and sat down next to her.

"alright alright! everyone, who wants to go first?" preston asked everyone. no one raised their hand up besides nikki.. fucking hell.

"yes nikki! who would you like to truth or dare?"

"ahem... y/n, truth or dare?" nikki asked.

everyone looked at y/n, "hmm... truth." she replied.

"well... i'll save the spicy questions for later," nikki taunted, "oh god dont say spicy" neil facepalmed.

"anyways! what's your favorite part of camp so far?" nikki asked.

"uhh probably the people. everyone here is really nice from what i know." she smiled.

"anyways, truth or dareeee.... max!" y/n pointed to me. i turn my head towards her.

"uhh.. dare." i respond.

"i dare you to... kiss me!"

i blink, "w-wait what did you say?" i asked, trying to not be nervous.

"pfff. i said, i dare you to high five your favorite person at camp!" she said.

dammit, im just tired. thats all.

"oh right. uhh..." i look around. "hey, y/n high five." i say. i heard a bunch of gasps and "ooo"s. i roll my eyes.

we high five, i truth or dare preston. and the game goes on and on.

mid game

"alright nikki! is it true you have drank alcohol before?" neil asked nikki. she snorts, "obviously."

nikki makes direct eye contact with me, "max. truth or dare?" i roll my eyes, she's gonna do some stupid shit. "dare." i say, straightening my posture.

"i dare you.... to hold hands with y/n the rest of the game!" i roll my eyes, "real mature nikki.." i say, i grab y/n's hand, i felt my face heating up.


max grabbed my hand and i was pretty startled be it, i didnt think he would actually do it. i held his hand back and i felt his eyes on me. i peeked over at harrison, he seemed pretty bummed out. while max was truth or daring someone else, i elbowed harrison lightly.

"hey you alright man?" i whispered.
he nodded, "y-yeah.. just a little tired." he gave me a weak smile.

"you want me to walk you to your tent?" i asked, he nodded.

"hey, guys i'll be back in a minute. harrison is going to bed and im gonna walk him back." i annouced. i let go of max's hand and me and harrison walked off.

but nerris had left the circle to and joined us.

we all talked on our way to harrison's tent.

"what should call ourselves?" nerris asked, "the three wizards?"

"the three magicians!" harrison added.

"what about... the three dumbasses." i suggested and smiled.

"a little vulgar.. but not bad!" nerris said.

"yeah. the three dumbasses." harrison smiled.

we're just kids after all. - max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now