Arrival of the Septics

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I made a speedpaint of Jackieboyman above. Please check it out? It's only five minutes! You may also like the video and subscribe to my channel if you want :)

"Why can't we just teleport there?" Chase was groaning for the millionth time.

Sean snorted at him, "Why can't we just do things the normal way every now and then? Come on, didn't you take some meds before getting on?"

"Forgot them at home" he shrugged, "God, I fooking hate flying"

The Septics and Sean were in the air in first class. They were flying first class because god be damned if Marvin was going to tolerate being squished in between strangers in this day and age.

Plus it helped with disguising since there wasn't that many other people in first class. Marvin could easily make it seem like they DIDN'T all look alike.

"Preaching to zhe fooking choir" Henrik mumbled with his sleeping mask on. He'd at least get some peace before they got to the manor.

"Come on, Chase." Jackie nudged him, "You're just still huffy because Anti's gonna be there"

"You guys better play nice" Sean warned them, "Unless he's an ass to you, don't go looking for a fight, please. Remember, we're going there to be professional and do a job filming with Mark. We're going to behave ourselves. Right?" he spoke to them like they were his children.


"Why you always gotta be so pessimistic?" Sean flopped the front bill of his hat over his face but the father figure was not amused.

"You know why"

Jackie rolled his eyes.

"Why the fuck did you roll your eyes at me?" Chase narrowed his eyes at him, catching the action.

Jackie huffed, "'You know why'" he mocked him, "Geez, Chase. Two years. He could have changed. I mean look at us. We're all different from what we were two years ago. Even Sean. And it's not like Anti was created evil. He couldn't have been."

"Nope" Sean agreed, "I mean I don't REALLY know but I agree with the statement"

"Right. Maybe he's just always been a little shit and we did something to-?"

"You're saying it's OUR fault he tried to kill all of us?"

Jameson knew he shouldn't get himself involved in the argument but he felt he had to say something, 'Anti could have killed me that day but he didn't. Mind you, a possession isn't exactly comfortable but he didn't hurt me'

"Lucky you" Chase snorted.

"Guys, enough. Chase isn't gonna budge. He's gonna be Mr. Sour until all of this is over and that's that" Marvin checked his nail polish meticulously, "Best just let the two hash it out themselves"

"Marv" Sean warned him, "You lot will NOT hash anything out. Behave yourselves"

Chase grit his teeth and took out his phone to play a game on airplane mode, headphones in so he didn't have to talk to them anymore, "Tch. Whatever. This is all bullshite anyway"

Jackie hated seeing Chase like this but he had high hopes that things would work out. They always did, right? His brothers weren't too convinced.

"Shouldn't you be helping the others clean up the place? I bet your room is a fucking mess, Anti"

The glitch rolled his eyes, "As if I care. And I helped put up the dishes. Isn't that enough?"

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