Late Night Drama

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It was after dinner and Chase looked into the kitchen to see Dark plate some food and walk on him way upstairs.

He was a little miffed at that. Of course the glitch would get special treatment. What was he so afraid of? It's not like they'd tackle him across the dining table or something.

Sean seemed a little depressed during dinner. A mood Chase recognized quite well. 

'Can't say I really blame either of them though. Sean never even called him to ask permission?'

He didn't agree with that part but he wasn't going to just turn around and be happy that he has to stay in the same building as that psychopath again.

'The sooner filming is done, the better' he thought to himself.

Pretty soon, Mark, Amy and Sean left and everyone drifted off to their rooms, catching up with their friends and whatnot. Bing gently shoved him, "Come on, Bro! Got a sweet new set up in my room you saw earlier! We can play some killer shit on it tonight if ya want!"

Chase smiled, "That actually sounds dope, dude. Let's do it!" but then as they started up to his room, Chase suddenly realized something, "Hey what happened to your censor by the way? I don't think I've ever actually heard ya cuss"

"Oh!" Bing chuckled and pointed down the hall, "Anti fixed that for me! The other day, actually. Dude's a total wizard with tech! Not even Google could fix it but HE did"


Bing caught on and his grin fell a bit, "What, you still pissed at him or something? He's a nice dude, Chase."

"I don't want to talk about him." They came into Bing's room, "Show me the new setup, dude"

"Yeah, yeah"

Later that night, Chase woke up in one of the bean bag chairs Bing had. They had apparently fallen asleep while playing. . . or at least Chase had and Bing manually went into sleep mode.

He almost felt himself drifting back to sleep but he found that his mouth felt dry.

Getting up and being sure not to alert Bing, he walked out of the room and down the stairs.

He needed some water or something to help him so he could go back to sleep again.

Before he entered the kitchen, however, he heard some noise. Someone else was awake, too.

Chase wasn't bothered by it, though, and walked in. At first he thought it was Henrik or Jackie but then he realized it was most definitely not one of them. He didn't seem to notice Chase walk in but he was up on the tips of his toes trying to get into the freezer. He was like some sort of kid sneaking some treat in the middle of the night, being extra quiet so he wouldn't get caught.

If Chase was honest, it was actually kind of cute. . . .until he remembered who this person was.

Anti finally managed to pull out the popsicles, "Yes!" he pulled one out and Chase realized it was a coffee flavored one.

'Dammit. I kind of want one, too' but he kept his mouth shut. Rolling his eyes, he stepped into the kitchen towards the sink and Anti finally sensed him.

"Jaysus!" he glitched, holding his chest, nearly dropping the treats onto the floor, "Fooking hell! Make some noise, why don't ya?!"

"Hm" Chase just took a glass out of the cupboard.

Anti huffed, "Oh, it's just you." He went to stuff the box of treats back in the freezer but he stopped himself, watching as Chase poured himself a glass of water, "Couldn't sleep? Insomnia still kicking your ass?"

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