Apologies and Pop-tarts

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"Bro, it's okay." Bing tried to console him, "No one's actually gonna kill ya. you should come down for breakfast, dude"

It was the next day but there was no way in hell Chase wanted to be seen by anyone. Thank god that Bing didn't hate him and understood. Bing SAW how much it was killing him.

"I can't"

"Well sure you can!" Bing grinned, "Dark's still gonna be in doc's office with Anti so your main threat is gone, my dude"

"Yeah but everyone else still wants to-"

"Chase, please. Everyone saw the tape. They know it was Actor. Not you"

Chase wanted to believe him but he just wanted to be alone.

"You gotta face them sooner or later" Bing went on, "Still gotta finish that scene with Anti and do more parts for the video"

"Fuck" he knew his friend was right but he didn't want to hear it! He didn't even want to be around his own brothers right now! He didn't want to see the looks on their faces.

"Come on" Bing took his arm and dragged Chase's limp body off the bed, "Dude, please. You're heavy. I'll look up how to make homemade pop-tarts just for you, man, if you come down with me"

Chase thought about it. 

'Pop-tarts do really sound good. And homemade? I know he's bribing me but damn'

The single father sighed, "Fine." he picked himself up and sluggishly followed Bing out the door.

"Cool beans, bro. I'll look up the recipe now"

As they walked down the stairs, Chase made sure to stay behind Bing, not that that would help him in any way. He's seen what Yandere and Wilford could do.

But as they entered the dining room, everyone seemed. . . . .  pretty calm about his presence. No one greeted him but yet. . . no one tried to kill him on site either.

Although a few sent some glares his way. Namely Yandere, Yancy and Google.

"As Chase entered the room, an eerie calm settled throughout the area. Chase was sure he might die today and his heartbeat raced, his palms starting to sweat"

"Host, shut it, broski!" Bing defended him, "Why you gotta make everything even more uncomfortable, dude?"

"The Host apologizes but he knew it would make for good content. Sometimes the story needed stirring up a bit"

"Well stir your own pot"

"Guys, it's already been established that it was Actor possessing Chase" Jackie tried to help deescalate things, "Let's try and cool down a bit, yeah?"

"I doubt he had to do or says much" Yancy huffed, "Ain't no secret Dude-pro over here hated Anti anyways."

"Even though I was charging, I sensed the hostility" Google snarled, "I believe he had full intent on doing it anyway"

"Mm. Most likely false" Host broke in, "Although Host agrees that Mr. Brody had been quite unnecessarily hateful towards our friend, it is very plausible he had no control over his actions. Honestly, Host has not been able to track Chase's thoughts since a little while after he arrived to the manor. Very most likely Actor's doing."

Everyone paused.

"And you chose to keep that to yourself?" Illinois asked.

"Yeah" Marvin agreed with the adventurer, "What the hell, Host?"

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