Chase's Punishment

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Jackie got closer to Chase, trying to calm him down, "What voices are you talking about, man? Can you tell me more?"

As he got closer, he set his foot on the gun that Chase had dropped on the ground and slid it away behind him.

Chase closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall of the building, "The voices . . . . I don't know. I . . . . every time I was around Anti .. . . . but it sounded like it was coming from me. I don't know. It was so weird"

Jackie edged closer, "A-are you sure it wasn't just you? Chase. . . .  everyone knows you hate Anti"

"I-!" Chase tried but stopped himself, "It's complicated . . . but the voice. . .  it made everything so much. . . so much worse" he wiped tears from his face, whimpering, "And now it got what it wanted and it disappeared. When it did. . . . I knew then that it wasn't me."

"How do you mean?" Jackie knew his brother was telling the truth. Or at least .  . . HIS truth. Whether it was real was a different story.

The voice told me so many times to kill Anti when we were alone. Sometimes when Dark was there, too. But I didn't want to! I tried to push the t-thoughts away. I did. And then when I. . . . DID it. . . ..  it was gone. Am I crazy, Jackie?"

"I . . . .I don't k-"

Suddenly a victory squeal was heard nearby and they both turned to see the Jims at the entrance of the alley running towards them, camera in hand, "Jim has found you! Finally!"

Jackie was not in the mood to deal with them, too, "Jims what are you guys doing here!? And where were you when everything happened? We could have used your help with what-"

"Jim will shoosh Jackie now! Shoosh!" they were panting for air and even Chase was looking at them funny.

Once they finally caught their breathe, Jim explained, "We WERE there! Jim and I saw everything. Got it on camera!"

"Wai-WHAT!? Why didn't you guys-"

Jim just showed them the camera, "Look! Look! We caught something weird in the film that'd be interesting. Might prove that it wasn't Mr. Brody's doing!"

Jackie was losing his mind already, "Well show us!"

"Jim will now rewind the tape!" "Rewinding, Jim!"

Jim turned the screen of the camera so they could both see. Chase gulped. He really didn't want to see it happen but their words had him interested. Was it really proof? Was he NOT crazy after all?

Jim pressed play and the video started when Chase and Anti were fighting. Chase remembered this part clearly when the voice was telling him what to do. But the Jims were right.

Something was odd.

"What is that?" Jackie asked, "Behind Chase?"

"The Jims told you! Something odd! A shadow is attached to Chase! And then when it happens-" The Jims directed their attention to when Chase shot Anti.

Chase visibly flinched and Jackie tensed but saw what they were talking about, "The shadow left Chase right after. You're right. . . . Something is definitely off here."

He turned towards Chase, "You might just be off the hook, Chase. Especially since Dark saved Anti. You'll be in less trouble, at least." he took out his phone slowly just in case Chase ran.

"I'm gonna call Sean. Tell him what's happened. That okay with you, Chase?"

Chase was still afraid but he knew Jackie was in the right. And if it didn't turn out to be anything, he deserved whatever punishment he got. He nodded in acceptance.

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