Friendly Competition

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Jackie could see Chase's hands clenching under the table and really, he was concerned but didn't say anything. He knew Chase was having a hard time, he didn't want to make things worse or cause a scene.

When Marvin and Jameson left with Dark and some of the other Ipliers, Jackie could visibly see Anti's change in mood. He seemed so  . . . out of it. He really wanted to give Anti the benefit of the doubt and since Chase wandered off with Bing outside, Jackie thought this would be the perfect time for some bonding.

Hesitantly, Jackie walked over to Anti just as he was going to leave with Yandere and Eric, "Uh, hey guys! Um . .  I was wondering if I could join ya?"

Anti wanted to refuse but Yandere grinned, "Sure, Jackie! We were just gonna go out back. Have a little fun with target practice and all that"

Jackie was actually interested, "Oh cool! Sounds fun! Eric, I didn't know you . . . . could use a weapon?"

Eric grumbled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I. . .uh. . . I don't. . I um. .just like t-to watch them do it"

"Oh well maybe I could show you a thing or two?"

"He doesn't like to do it himself" Anti growled at him, "Back off"

"Just trying to be friendly, Anti. No need to get all huffy!" Jackie grinned, making Anti even more frustrated.

"Whatever. Let's just go already"

Jackie wasn't bothered by his attitude and followed them out. The backyard was huge to put it simply. There was space all over to do whatever you wanted. There was a nice garden maze, space for outdoor games, a pool, a patio and of course, the shooting 'range'. It was on the small side for a good reason as to help certain egos control their anger.

Jackie saw Bing and Chase getting ready to go into the pool and gave them both a small wave. Chase looked concerned for Jackie and the company he took but let it go. He knew Jackie could handle himself if something happened.

When Yan opened the gate and they went in, though, Jackie wasn't expecting the nice setup they had. A few weapons like guns and knives along one wall and on the manor's wall there were dummies lined up. A few benches sat on the opposite ends to watch or wait or simply to clean your weapon.

"Shit" Jackie gawked, "Your setup's dope"

"Of course it is!" Yan boasted, "Anti and I helped put it together! We both needed a place to vent and figured others did so so viola! It's a great place to practice taking out people who may take my senpai from me" their voice turned devilish.

"Uh. . . .Cool shit. I assume the knives are-"

"Mine and Yan's" Anti provided as he walked over to his little collection, "But I suppose I could share just for today. Not that it'll matter."

"Oh really? Think you're better than me?" Jackie teased him.

Anti actually smirked at him, "Fuck yeah. Who do you think you're talking to?"

"I think you're forgetting who always had the better aim."

"Maybe you've gotten rusty. I've been venting every day, dude"

"Let's find out" Jackie snickered and went over to the weapons.

Yandere and Eric watched the conversation unfold. Yan knew Jackie wouldn't do or say anything to harm Anti. He was always so positive and nice, Yan trusted him not to push Anti too far.

Meanwhile, Eric was biting his nails apprehensively as Jackie and Anti stood side by side, a proper distance away from  their dummies.

"Oh and no lightning" Anti told him. Jackie groaned.

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