Those Intrusive Thoughts Again

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Have you guys seen my new speedpaint yet?  It's just 8 minutes :D Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this sort of stuff or have any suggestions on what I should draw next for my channel.  I've working on another animation as well but that'll take a bit still 😅💚

"Can't believe he said that shit at dinner" Yan rolled their eyes.

Anti huffed, laying on the couch in the living room. He was there with Yan and Google hanging out while Eric and Jameson played a game of chess together. They were really getting along as friends even though Eric was still shaky with signing.

"Can we just leave it?" Anti asked, "Doesn't matter. He hates me and it'll always be that way"

"He's ignorant" Google said, trying his best to be helpful.

The glitch just rolled his eyes.

Jameson made a move and signed to them, 'Chase is just dealing with a lot of things lately. Stacey won't let him see his kids'

"And that gives him the right  to treat our friend like garbage!?" Yan shouted.

"Easy there" Anti calmed them down, "I don't care what Chase thinks of me."

"Y-yes you do"

Anti ignored Eric's argument and laid a pillow on his face.

"Do you think that offering him another frozen treat will help?"

"No, Google" Yan sighed heavily, "That Septic ass-wipe is just a stubborn jerk"

"Then may I suggest a hammer to his head?"

Anti groaned lightly in the pillow before sitting up and hugging it, "No, Google. And he's not stubborn. He has every right to hate me. I did do a lot of bad stuff to them"

Google just shrugged and left the room without another word.

'Oh chap, it's quite alright' Jameson waved to him, 'Everyone but Chase has pretty much forgiven you, I'd say'

Anti swallowed, "Really? Even you? I possessed you"

Jameson grinned and played another move, 'Didn't really hurt me. And besides, it was kind of fun! Sean never lets me do anything fun anymore'

"You're weird" he commented.

'Aren't we all a little odd?'

"I guess you have a point." Anti rested his chin on the pillow he held, "What about the others, though? Jackie, Marv and Henrik? I nearly killed all of them"

Jameson let Eric beat him at the game they were playing and smiled sweetly, 'Seeing you behave so differently definitely has a part in it. Plus how you defended the others against Actor didn't hurt'

"But he's just an asshole. I'd go after him either way" Anti tried and tried to deter Jameson but the man was just as stubborn as the rest of the Septic egos.

'Doesn't change how your attitude has changed. You're a right fine fellow, you are!' he tipped his bowler hat to him, making Anti glitch a little and blush.

"H-he's right, Anti!" Eric grinned at him, happy that he won a game for a change, "Y-you definitely h-have changed. For the b-better!"

Anti looked at him strangely, "I have? I don't FEEL any different, really. I mean I just. . .  LIKE you Ipliers so . . ..  I don't know."

Yandere launched themselves at him in a tight hug, "Love you too, ya freak!"

"Oh fuck off" Anti shoved them off but was smiling as he did so. Yandere proceeded to attack him further by shoving him off the couch and things suddenly turned into a playful wrestling match.

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