Do Cookies Bring Enemies Together?

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It was the next day and Chase, Jackie and Marvin were together with the Iplier egos for filming. While Chase was doing a small scene on his own, Jackie and Marvin were hanging out on the side chatting and looking at their phones.

"So tomorrow, huh?" Jackie made conversation.

"Uh-huh. Should be interesting" Marvin nodded.

"You think anything will happen?"

"Nah. Dark will be here and so will Mark and Sean. I'm sure everything will be fine"

"If ya say so"

"Do we have a scene tomorrow?" Marvin asked.

Jackie looked up form his phone in thought, "I think so? I can't really remember now. . . . hey do you even know what Anti's scene will be? I haven't seen it in the script yet"

The magician just shrugged, "Don't know. Sean's been pretty secretive of it. Probably wants to get a real reaction out of it. I wouldn't be surprised about anything tomorrow if I were you."

"Guess you're right. Plus it's with Chase." he breathed out a sigh, "I can already see I'm gonna have to help tear them apart"

"You and me both, man. You and me both"

A few more seconds crawled past until Jackie spoke up again, "Hey, you know Yandere?"

Marvin glanced at him suspiciously, "Yeeees?"

"Come on, man. I know you're not oblivious"

Marvin scoffed, "Yeah, yeah. I know. But I'm really not interested. I really wish they liked you instead"

"Oh no" Jackie laughed, "They're great and all as a friend but Mr. Senpai, I feel SO bad for you, my dude. Actually, I take that back. Who WOULDN'T want to have a shrine of themselves?"

"A what!?" Marvin whined, "Ugh, no. I didn't realize that were THAT into me"

"Dude, their name is Yandere for a reason"

Marvin whined again.

"Calm down, dude." Jackie chuckled, "They mean no harm. They just really like you is all. In LOVE with you, really and who wouldn't be? I mean, look at you! I think it's really sweet, the way they look at you so dreamily and full of love" Jackie teased him.

That sort of lifted his spirits a bit, though, and he smirked slightly, "Eh I guess you're right. Plus they haven't done anything weird to me yet so that's a plus."

"Yan's awesome." Jackie defended his friend, "It's no wonder them and Anti are such good friends. They-"

Someone cleared their throat behind them and the two looked up to see Chase standing there.

"Oh hey man! You done with your scene?" Jackie asked him, trying to be polite.

Chase nodded, "Yeah." he sat down next to them, "Dark's got a scene now with Wilford and Mark."

Marvin was going to say something but Chase's strange attitude caught his attention, "Hey man. . . you alright? I mean dinner last night-"

"I'm fine. Just had a  . ..  stomach bug or something last night. I'm fine now"

"Huh. . . okay. Did you go see Henrik about it?"

Chase gave him a look and he stopped pestering him.

Jackie rubbed his back, trying to be comforting, "I know you're probably nervous about tomorrow but-"

Chase shrugged him off, "I said I'm fine. Nothing bad is gonna happen tomorrow, guys. Just fooking chill."

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