Chapter 6

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Hunter stares at me with inquisitive eyes as we stroll down the street. Based on my swaying gait, the mystery liquor has fully absorbed into my bloodstream. Under normal circumstances, I would limit my intake to four drinks over the course of the night, that's my magic number. Nothing bad ever happens at four.

Whatever Beardy McEarring face gave me earlier has made me exceed that limit. Once I surpass .08, my inner Kimmy likes to emerge. I've been trying to walk two paces in front of Hunter to avoid talking but he keeps catching up. The last thing I want to do right now is say something I'll regret.

Hunter probably already thinks I'm crazy based on the Jason fiasco. God, I can't believe that happened. I know that Jason wouldn't have actually hit me. He was probably aiming for the peanuts the whole time. That's just his M.O. Yell and make enough noise to warrant some attention. I wish I didn't know this about him. It makes me sad that Kimmy wasted seven months dealing with this shit.

Hunter catches up again. His hand taps my shoulder. "Are you ok, Lilah?"

"I'm just dandy!" I swing my arm up and hit Hunter with my purse. Oops. "Why do you ask?" I ask sheepishly.

Hunter rubs his chin. "Well, you haven't said a word for four blocks." Oh, that is so pot calling the kettle black.

"Maybe I'm taking a page out of the old Hunter Carlisle playbook," I tease. "Am I mysterious to you now? Do I make you want to know more?"

Hunter's lips curl up in amusement. "I have a playbook, do I?"

"Maybe." I shrug and start skipping down the block. Hunter jogs beside me.

"Are you sure you don't want to drive to Ricky's?" Hunter looks behind him to the car that's apparently been following us since we left the bar. "My driver's already here."

My eyes widen. "You have a driver?"

"Yes, I have a driver. Should I tell him to stop?" Hunter holds out his hand and the black Lincoln halts immediately.

"Whoa, obedient," I observe.

Hunter lowers his hand. "Shall we get in?"

I tilt my head up and look around. "Sure, my star's not out anyways." Based on his facial expression I've clearly piqued his interest, but I don't explain.

The Lincoln pulls up beside us and Hunter opens the door for me. The brown leather interior feels cold against my bare thigh as I slide inside. I tug at my skirt to keep it from rising.

"Good evening Mr. Carlisle." The driver tips his cap as Hunter closes the car door.

"Harry." Hunter nods. "To Ricky's, please."

Harry's forehead creases. "Ricky's? The hot dog shack?" I look away embarrassed.

"Yes," Hunter replies unfazed.

"Right away, sir." Harry adjusts the shifter, which for some reason is behind the steering wheel, and starts driving.

Hunter turns to face me. "So, a new job?"

"Yeah, I start next Monday!" I gush. "Honestly, if Jack didn't set up that interview, I'd never get a job at GE."

Hunter's jaw clenches as his eyes narrow. "GE?" he asks slowly.

"Oh, Global Elite Solutions. Seriously, your brother is the best." Hunter's chest rises.

"Which division?" Hunter rakes his hand through his lustrous ebony-brown hair.

"Marketing," I answer. "So, how do you and Jack know Marice?"

Hunter's jaw relaxes. "Marice is an old family friend. My mother went to school with her in Georgia."

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