Chapter 15

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The blueberry and I managed to make it a little over three-quarters of the way to Happy Living before we drove over a broken bottle. What is it with me and broken glass? I'd like to be able to go a week, just one week, without shattered glass causing me problems. At first, I thought someone might have been firing a rifle, but then I heard the sad sound of air escaping from my front tire. My dad taught me how to change a flat when I got my driver's license at seventeen. I've never had to put that skill to use since I've never actually had a car of my own. I was going to get one when I moved to Manhattan from upstate New York for school but then I found an apartment just a few blocks from campus so it seemed futile.

I opened up the recessed area of the trunk and pulled out the spare tire, which was harder to do than I'd care to admit. Tires are heavy! As soon as I leaned the tire against the car I realized I didn't have a jack OR a lug wrench. I can't call AAA seeing as I don't have a membership yet. Kimmy is already spazzing out over her upcoming dinner. Jasmine doesn't even know what a lug wrench is, and my other 'friends' are all "busy".

I scroll through my contacts and begrudgingly call Hunter. I don't want to seem needy but I'm out of options right now. The line rings for several seconds and then Hunter's voicemail message plays. I hang up at the beep. Well, shit. I guess I'll just walk. I grab my purse from the car and lock the doors, not that anyone would want to steal the blueberry.

After twenty minutes of walking down the rather sketchy side street, my phone rings.

"Hey, Hunter." I sound out of breath.

"Hi, you called earlier? Sorry I didn't answer, I was on a conference call."

"It's fine, I just got a flat on the way to see my mom."

 "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, totally. I was going to change the tire but realized I didn't have a jack or a wrench."

"I can come pick you up. Where are you?"

"I'm actually just walking to Happy Living."

"You're walking? Where's your car?"

 "The blueberry is on the side of the road just passed Ridge Drive on Lake Street."

"The blueberry?" Hunter chuckles. "Okay, well I don't think you can just leave your car parked on the side of a highway, Lilah."

"It's not a highway, it's just a road." And where does it say that I can't?

"All I'm saying is it might get towed." I can't afford to get my car impounded! "Why didn't you call AAA?"

"Cause I just got the car yesterday and I didn't have time to get a membership!" I whine.

Hunter laughs. "Ok, relax babe. I'll get someone to come get your car and take it to a shop, ok? I can come pick you up from the care center when you're done and then I'll drop you off at the shop?"

I grunt. "Fine, but keep the receipts." I can pay for a new tire myself!


"I'll be done at Happy Living probably in an hour. Do you need the address?"

"No, I can Google it, it's fine."

"Ok, thanks Hunter. I'll see you in a bit."

"See you soon."

"Keep the receipts!" I whisper loudly into the phone but I think Hunter already hung up.

The familiar tan brick building comes into view as I cross the street. I feel guilty for not wanting to be here, even though my mom is finally awake. I should be happy, ecstatic. I should want to run inside and throw my arms around my mother and thank God for this miracle. But I feel angry. And nervous. It's been a month since I've stepped inside this building.

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